MATLAB and Simulink Based Books

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing, 2e

Written for chemical engineering students and professionals, this book illustrates how to solve and check chemical engineering problems using MATLAB. Topics include equations of state, thermodynamics, mass transfer equipment, chemical reactors, process simulation, and fluid flow in 2D and 3D. The revised second edition contains many additional examples and problems.

MATLABis used to solve numerous examples throughout the book.

About This Book

Bruce A. Finlayson

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012

ISBN: 978-0-470-93295-7
Language: English

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Online Teaching with MATLAB and Simulink

Whether you are transitioning a classroom course to a hybrid model, developing virtual labs, or launching a fully online program, MathWorks can help you foster active learning no matter where it takes place.

MATLAB Courseware

Teaching materials based on MATLAB and Simulink.

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