MATLAB and Simulink Based Books

MATLAB Programming for Engineers, 6th edition

The sixth edition of Chapman'sMATLAB Programming for EngineersteachesMATLABas a technical programming language with an emphasis on problem-solving skills. Students learn how to write clean, efficient, and well-documented programs while gaining an understanding of the many practical functions of MATLAB. The first nine chapters support and provide a primary resource for today's introduction to programming and problem solving course for first-year engineering students. The remaining chapters address more advanced topics, such as I/O, object-oriented programming, and Graphical User Interfaces. This serves as a resource for a longer course or as a reference tool for engineering students or practicing engineers who use MATLAB.

The sixth edition was updated for R2018a and includes a new chapter onMATLAB App Designer.

About This Book

Stephen J. Chapman,BAE Systems

Cengage Learning, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-357-03039-4
Language: English

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