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Code Generation

Generate AUTOSAR-compliant C++ code and XML descriptions for production integration; build Linux®executables or libraries for testing

After creating and developing a Simulink®representation of an AUTOSAR adaptive software component, generate code for testing or for integration into the AUTOSAR run-time environment. AUTOSAR code generation requiresSimulink Coder™and Embedded Coder®.

From an adaptive model, you can build a Linux executable or library. For Linux testing, you can configure run-time calibration, measurement, and logging.


coder.asap2.export Generate ASAP2 (A2L) file according to ASAM MCD-2 MC standards
createManifest Create manifest file for AUTOSAR adaptive model
getClassName Get class name of model
setClassName Set class name of model
getClassNamespace Get class namespace for a model
setClassNamespace Set class namespace of model
