
Deep Learning withMATLAB编码器

生成深度学习神经网络的C ++代码(需要深度学习工具箱™)


您可以使用MATLAB®CODER™with Deep Learning Toolbox to generate C++ code from a trained CNN. You can then deploy the generated code to an embedded platform that uses an Intel®或手臂®processor. You can also generate generic C or C++ code from a trained CNN that does not depend on any third-party libraries.

Deep Learning withMATLAB编码器不支持金宝appMATLABOnline™.


代码gen 从中生成C/C ++代码MATLAB代码
代码r.loadDeepLearningNetwork 加载深度学习网络模型
coder.deeplearningconfig 创建深度学习代码生成配置对象
代码r.ARMNEONConfig Parameters to configure deep learning code generation with theARMCompute Library
代码r.CMSISNNConfig Parameters to configure deep learning code generation with the CMSIS-NN library for Cortex-M targets
代码r.MklDNNConfig Parameters to configure deep learning code generation with theIntelMath Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
Coder.getDeeplearninglayers 获取为特定深度学习库的代码生成支持的层列表金宝app
Coder.RegeneratedEeplearningningParameters Regenerate files containing network learnables and states parameters


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