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How to Construct Splines

This example shows how to construct splines in various ways using the spline functions in Curve Fitting Toolbox™.


你可以建立一个立方样条插值that matches the cosine function at the following sitesX, 使用CSAPI命令。

X= 2*pi*[0 1 .1:.2:.9]; y = cos(x); cs = csapi(x,y);

You can then view the interpolating spline by usingfnplt

fnplt(cs,2); axis([-1 7 -1.2 1.2]) holdonplot(x,y,'o') holdoff

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 2 objects of type line.



diff( fnval( fnder(cs), [0 2*pi] ) )
ANS = -0.1375


csp = csape (x,y,“周期性”);抓住onFNPLT(CSP,'g') holdoff



diff(fnval(fnder(csp),[0 2*pi]))
ans = -2.2806e-17

Even the second derivative now matches at the endpoints.

diff(fnval(fnder(csp,2),[0 2*pi]))
ANS = -2.2204E -16

piecewise linear interpolantto the same data is available viaSPAPI。在这里,我们将其添加到先前的图中,红色。

pl = spapi(2,x,y);抓住onfnplt(pl,'r',,,,2) holdoff

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 4 objects of type line.


If the data are noisy, you usually want to approximate rather than interpolate. For example, with these data

X= linspace(0,2*pi,51); noisy_y = cos(x) + .2*(rand(size(x))-.5); plot(x,noisy_y,'x')轴([-1 7 -1.2 1.2])

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains an object of type line.

插值将使下面以蓝色显示wiggly interpolant。

抓住onfnplt( csapi(x, noisy_y) ) holdoff

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 2 objects of type line.

In contrast, smoothing with a proper tolerance

tol =(.05)^2*(2*pi)
tol = 0.0157


抓住onfnplt( spaps(x, noisy_y, tol),'r',2)保持off



noisy_y([1 end]) = mean( noisy_y([1 end]) ); lx = length(x); lx2 = round(lx/2); range = [lx2:lx 2:lx 2:lx2]; sps = spaps([x(lx2:lx)-2*pi x(2:lx) x(2:lx2)+2*pi],noisy_y(range),2*tol);

This gives the more nearly periodic approximation, shown in black.

抓住onfnplt(sps, [0 2*pi],'k',,,,2) holdoff

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 4 objects of type line.



For example, you might try a cubic spline with just four pieces.

spl2 = spap2(4,4,x,noisy_y);fnplt(spl2,'b',2);轴([ -  1 7 -1.2 1.2])onplot(x,noisy_y,'x') holdoff

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 2 objects of type line.

Knot Selection

When usingSPAPIorSPAP2,您通常必须指定特定的样条空间。这是通过指定一个结序列order,这可能有点问题。但是,在进行样条插值时x,y使用订单样条的数据k,,,,you can use the functionOPTKNT如下示例,要提供一个好的结序。

k= 5;% order 5, i.e., we are working with quartic splinesX= 2*pi*sort([0 1 rand(1,10)]); y = cos(x); sp = spapi( optknt(x,k), x, y ); fnplt(sp,2,'g');抓住onplot(x,y,'o') holdoff轴([ -  1 7 -1.1 1.1])

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 2 objects of type line.


X= linspace(0,10,101); y = exp(x); sp0 = spap2( augknt(0:2:10,4), 4, x, y ); plot(x,y-fnval(sp0,x),'r',,,,'LineWidth',,,,2)

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains an object of type line.

但是,您可以使用该初始近似来与相同的number of knots, but which are better distributed. Its error is plotted in black.

sp1 = spap2( newknt(sp0), 4, x, y ); holdon图(x,y-fnval(sp1,x),'k',,,,'LineWidth',2)保持off

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 2 objects of type line.

Gridded Data

All the spline interpolation and approximation commands in the Curve Fitting Toolbox can also handle gridded data, in any number of variables.

For example, here is a bicubic spline interpolant to the Mexican Hat function.

X=.0001+(-4:.2:4); y = -3:.2:3; [yy,xx] = meshgrid(y,x); r = pi*sqrt(xx.^2+yy.^2); z = sin(r)./r; bcs = csapi({x,y}, z); fnplt(bcs) axis([-5 5 -5 5 -.5 1])


Here is theleast-squares同一网格上同一函数的噪声值的近似值。

knotsx = augknt(linspace(x(1),x(end),21),4);knotsy = augknt(linspace(y(1),y(end),15),4);bsp2 = spap2({knotsx,knotsy},[4 4],{x,y},z+.02*(rand(size(z)) -  .5));FNPLT(BSP2)轴([-5 5 -5 5 -.5 1])



网格数据可以轻松处理,因为曲线拟合工具箱可以处理矢量值splines. This also makes it easy to work with parametric curves.

Here, for example, is an approximation to infinity, obtained by putting a cubic spline curve through the points marked in the following figure.

t = 0:8;xy = [0 0; 1 1;1.7 0; 1 -1; 0 0;-1 1;-1.7 0;-1 -1;0 0]。';infty = csape(t,xy,“周期性”);fnplt(Infty,2)轴([-2 2 -2 -1.1 1.1])保持onplot(xy(1,:),xy(2,:),'o') holdoff

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象有限公司ntains 2 objects of type line.

Here is the same curve, but with motion in a third dimension.

roller = csape( t , [ xy ;0 1/2 1 1/2 0 1/2 1 1/2 0],“周期性”);fnplt(滚子,2,[0 4],,'b') holdonfnplt(滚子,2,[4 8],,'r')plot3(0,0,0,'o') holdoff


这two halves of the curve are plotted in different colors and the origin is marked, as an aid to visualizing this two-winged space curve.



X= 0:4; y = -2:2; R = 4; r = 2; v = zeros(3,5,5); v(3,:,:) = [0 (R-r)/2 0 (r-R)/2 0].'*[1 1 1 1 1]; v(2,:,:) = [R (r+R)/2 r (r+R)/2 R].'*[0 1 0 -1 0]; v(1,:,:) = [R (r+R)/2 r (r+R)/2 R].'*[1 0 -1 0 1]; dough0 = csape({x,y},v,“周期性”);fnplt(dough0) axis平等的,轴off


nx = 43; xy = [ones(1,nx); linspace(2,-2,nx)]; points = fnval(dough0,xy)'; ders = fnval(fndir(dough0,eye(2)),xy); normals = cross(ders(4:6,:),ders(1:3,:)); normals = (normals./repmat(sqrt(sum(normals.*normals)),3,1))'; pn = [points;points+normals]; holdon为了j=1:nx plot3(pn([j,j+nx],1),pn([j,j+nx],2),pn([j,j+nx],3))结尾抓住off

Finally, here is its projection onto the (x,y)-plane.

fnplt(fncmb(面团,[1 0 0; 0 1 0]))轴([ -  5.25 5.25 -4.14 4.14]),轴off

Scattered Data


n = 64; t = linspace(0,2*pi,n+1); t(end) = []; values = [cos(t); sin(t)]; plot(values(1,:),values(2,:),'or')轴平等的,轴offsites = values./repmat(max(abs(values)),2,1); holdon绘图(站点(1,:),站点(2,2 :),,,'xk')Quiver(站点(1,:),站点(2,2 :),,,...values(1,:)-sites(1,:), values(2,:)-sites(2,:)) holdoff


英石= tpaps(sites, values, 1);

