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Exporting Images and Raster Grids to GeoTIFF

此示例显示了如何使用使用标准地理和投影坐标系的数据写入Geotiff文件,geotiffwrite。The Tagged-Image File Format (TIFF) has emerged as a popular format to store raster data. The GeoTIFF specification defines a set of TIFF tags that describe "Cartographic" information associated with the TIFF raster data. Using these tags, geolocated imagery or raster grids with coordinates referenced to a Geographic Coordinate System (latitude and longitude) or a (planar) Projected Coordinate System can be stored in a GeoTIFF file.

Setup: Define a Data Folder and File Name Utility Function

This example creates several temporary GeoTIFF files and uses the variabledatadirto denote their location. The value used here is determined by the output of thetempdircommand, but you could easily customize this. The contents ofdatadirare deleted at the end of the example.

datadir = fullfile(tempdir,'datadir');if~exist(datadir,'dir') mkdir(datadir)end

Define an anonymous function to prependdatadir输入文件名:

dataFile = @(filename)fullfile(datadir,filename);

Example 1: Write an Image Referenced to Geographic Coordinates

编写引用WGS84地理坐标的图像到Geotiff文件。原始图像(boston_ovr.jpg)以JPEG格式存储,并在“ World File”(Boston_ovr.jgw)中使用图像文件外部的引用信息。该图像提供了波士顿,马萨诸塞州和周边地区的低分辨率“概述”。


Basename ='boston_ovr'; imagefile = [basename'.jpg']; A1 = imread(imagefile);

Obtain a referencing object from the world file.

世界file = getworldfilename(imagefile); R1 = worldfileread(worldfile,'geographic',size(A1));


filename1 = datafile([basename'.tif']); geotiffwrite(filename1,A1,R1)

再保险turn information about the file as arasterinfoobject. Note that the value of坐标系is a geographic coordinate reference system object.

info1 = georasterinfo(filename1); info1.CoordinateReferenceSystem
ans = geocrs with properties: Name: "WGS 84" Datum: "World Geodetic System 1984" Spheroid: [1×1 referenceEllipsoid] PrimeMeridian: 0 AngleUnit: "degree"

再保险-import the new GeoTIFF file and display the Boston overview image, correctly located, in a map axes.

figure usamap(R1.LatitudeLimits,R1.LongitudeLimits) setm(gca,“识别”,0.05,'PlabelRound',-2,'PlineLocation',0.05) geoshow(filename1) title('Boston Overview')

Example 2: Write a Data Grid Referenced to Geographic Coordinates


loadtopo60cZ2 = topo60c; R2 = topo60cR; filename2 = datafile('topo60c.tif');geotiffwrite(filename2,Z2,R2)

The values in the data grid range from -7473 to 5731. Display the grid as a texture-mapped surface rather than as an intensity image.

figure worldmap世界gridm离开setm(gca,“ mlabelparallel”,-90,'MLabelLocation',90) tmap = geoshow(filename2,'显示类型','texturemap');demcmap(tmap.cdata)标题('Elevation Data Grid')

Example 3: Change Data Organization of GeoTIFF Files

When you write data usinggeotiffwrite或者read data usingReadgeoraster, the columns of the data grid start from north and the rows start from west. For example, the input data fromtopo60c.mat从南方开始,但来自topo60c.tifstarts from north.

R2.ColumnsStartFrom [Z3,R3] = readgeoraster(filename2); R3.ColumnsStartFrom
ans = 'south' ans = 'north'

Therefore, the input data and data in the GeoTIFF file is flipped.

ans = logical 1

If you need the data in your workspace to match again, then flip the Z values and set the referencing object such that the columns start from the south:

R3.ColumnsStartFrom ='south'; Z3 = flipud(Z3); isequal(Z2,Z3)
ans = logical 1

The data in the GeoTIFF file is encoded with positive scale values. Therefore, when you view the file with ordinary TIFF-viewing software, the northern edge of the data set is at the top. To make the data layout in the output file match the data layout of the input, you can construct a Tiff object and use it to reset some of the tags and the image data.

t = Tiff(filename2,'r+');pixelscale = getTag(t,'ModelPixelScaleTag');pixelScale(2) = -pixelScale(2); setTag(t,'ModelPixelScaleTag',pixelScale); tiepoint = getTag(t,'ModelTiepointTag');tiepoint(5) = intrinsicToGeographic(R2,0.5,0.5); setTag(t,'ModelTiepointTag',tiepoint); setTag(t,'Compression', Tiff.Compression.None) write(t,Z2); rewriteDirectory(t) close(t)

Verify the referencing object and data grid from the input data match the output data file. To do this, read the Tiff image and create a reference object. Then, compare the grids.

t = tiff(filename2);atiff = read(t);关闭(t)rtiff = georefcells(r2.latitudelimits,r2.longitudelimits,size(atiff));iSequal(Z2,ATIFF)iSequal(R2,RTIFF)
ans = logical 1 ans = logical 1

Example 4: Write an Image Referenced to a Projected Coordinate System

Write the Concord orthophotos to a single GeoTIFF file. The two adjacent (west-to-east) georeferenced grayscale (panchromatic) orthophotos cover part of Concord, Massachusetts, USA. The concord_ortho.txt file indicates that the data are referenced to the Massachusetts Mainland (NAD83) State Plane Projected Coordinate System. Units are meters. This corresponds to the GeoTIFF code number 26986 as noted in the GeoTIFF specification at PCS_NAD83_Massachusetts.

再保险ad the two orthophotos.

[x_west,r_west] = readgeoraster('concord_ortho_w.tif');[x_east,r_east] = readgeoraster('concord_ortho_e.tif');


X4 = [X_west X_east]; R4 = R_west; R4.XWorldLimits = [R_west.XWorldLimits(1) R_east.XWorldLimits(2)]; R4.RasterSize = size(X4);

GeoTIFF文件写数据。使用num的代码ber, 26986, indicating the PCS_NAD83_Massachusetts Projected Coordinate System.

coordRefSysCode = 26986; filename4 = datafile('concord_ortho.tif');geotiffwrite(filename4,X4,R4,'CoordRefSysCode',coordRefSysCode)

再保险turn information about the file as arasterinfoobject. Note that the value of坐标系is a projected coordinate reference system object.

info4 = georasterinfo(filename4); info4.CoordinateReferenceSystem
ans = projcrs with properties: Name: "NAD83 / Massachusetts Mainland" GeographicCRS: [1×1 geocrs] ProjectionMethod: "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)" LengthUnit: "meter" ProjectionParameters: [1×1]

Display the combined Concord orthophotos.


Example 5: Write a Cropped Image from a GeoTIFF File

Write a subset of a GeoTIFF file to a new GeoTIFF file.

再保险ad the RGB image and referencing information from theboston.tifGeoTIFF file.

[A5,R5] = readgeoraster('boston.tif');


xlimits = [ 764318 767677]; ylimits = [2951122 2954482]; [A5crop,R5crop] = mapcrop(A5,R5,xlimits,ylimits);

Write the cropped image to a GeoTIFF file. Use the GeoKeyDirectoryTag from the original GeoTIFF file.

info5 = geotiffinfo('boston.tif');filename5 =丢失('boston_subimage.tif');geotiffwrite(filename5,A5crop,R5crop,。。。'GeoKeyDirectoryTag',info5.geotifftags.geokeydirectorytag)


figure mapshow(filename5) title('Fenway Park - Cropped Image from GeoTIFF File')xlabel('MA Mainland State Plane easting, survey feet')ylabel('MA Mainland State Plane northing, survey feet')


Write elevation data for an area around South Boulder Peak in Colorado to a GeoTIFF file.

elevFilename ='n39_w106_3arc_v2.dt1';

再保险ad the DEM from the file. To plot the data usinggeoshow,数据必须是类型single或者double。Specify the data type for the raster using the'OutputType'name-value pair.

[Z6,R6] = readgeoraster(elevFilename,'OutputType','double');


key = struct(。。。'gtmodeltypegeokey',[],,。。。“GTRasterTypeGeoKey”,[],,。。。'GeographicTypeGeoKey',[]);

通过指定数据,指示数据在地理坐标系中GTModelTypeGeoKeyfield as 2. Indicate that the reference object uses postings (rather than cells) by specifying theGTRasterTypeGeoKeyfield as 2. Indicate the data is referenced to a geographic coordinate reference system by specifying theGeographicTypeGeoKeyfield as 4326.

key.GTModelTypeGeoKey = 2; key.GTRasterTypeGeoKey = 2; key.GeographicTypeGeoKey = 4326;

Write the elevation data to a GeoTIFF file.

filename6 = datafile('southboulder.tif');geotiffwrite(filename6,Z6,R6,'GeoKeyDirectoryTag',钥匙)

通过显示数据,验证数据已写入文件。首先,使用使用科罗拉多州状态边界的导入向量数据readgeotable。Then, display the boundary and GeoTIFF file.

GT = readgeotable('usastatelo.shp');行= =='Colorado'; colorado = GT(row,:); figure usamap'Colorado'holdgeoshow(colorado,'FaceColor','none') g = geoshow(filename6,'显示类型','mesh');demcmap(g.zdata)标题('South Boulder Peak Elevation')


If you are working with a data grid that is class double with values that range outside the limits required of a floating point intensity image (0 <= data <= 1), and if you store the data in a TIFF file usingimwrite, then your data will be truncated to the interval [0,1], scaled, and converted to uint8. Obviously it is possible for some or even all of the information in the original data to be lost. To avoid these problems, and preserve the numeric class and range of your data grid, usegeotiffwriteto write the data.


n = 512; Z7 = peaks(n);

Create a referencing object to reference the rows and columns to X and Y.

R7 = maprasterref('RasterSize',[n n],'ColumnsStartFrom','north');R7.XWorldLimits = R7.XIntrinsicLimits; R7.YWorldLimits = R7.YIntrinsicLimits;

创建一个结构以保存GeokeyDirectoryTag信息。Set the model type to 1 indicating Projected Coordinate System (PCS).

key.GTModelTypeGeoKey = 1;


key.GTRasterTypeGeoKey = 1;


key.ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey = 32767;

Write the data to a GeoTIFF file withgeotiffwrite。For comparison, write a second file usingimwrite

filename_geotiff = datafile('zdata_geotiff.tif');filename_tiff = datafile('zdata_tiff.tif');GeotiffWrite(filename_geotiff,z7,r7,'GeoKeyDirectoryTag',钥匙)imwrite(Z7, filename_tiff);

When you read the file usingimreadthe data values and class type are preserved. You can see that the data values in the TIFF file are not preserved.

geoZ = imread(filename_geotiff); tiffZ = imread(filename_tiff); fprintf('类型z:%s \ n', class(Z7)) fprintf('Class type of data in GeoTIFF file: %s\n', class(geoZ)) fprintf('Class type of data in TIFF file: %s\n', class(tiffZ)) fprintf('Does data in GeoTIFF file equal Z: %d\n', isequal(geoZ, Z7)) fprintf('在tiff文件中做数据等于z:%d \ n', isequal(tiffZ, Z7))
Class type of Z: double Class type of data in GeoTIFF file: double Class type of data in TIFF file: uint8 Does data in GeoTIFF file equal Z: 1 Does data in TIFF file equal Z: 0

You can view the data grid usingmapshow

figure mapshow(filename_geotiff,'显示类型','texturemap') title('Peaks - Stored in GeoTIFF File')

Example 8: Modify an Existing File While Preserving Meta Information

您可能需要修改现有文件,但保留TIFF标签中的元信息的大部分(如果不是全部)。此示例从boston.tiffile into an indexed image and writes the new data to an indexed GeoTIFF file. The TIFF meta-information, with the exception of the values of the BitDepth, BitsPerSample, and PhotometricInterpretation tags, is preserved.

再保险ad the image from theboston.tifGeoTIFF file.

[A8,R8] = readgeoraster('boston.tif');

Use the MATLAB function,rgb2ind,将RGB图像转换为索引图像Xusing minimum variance quantization.

[X8,cmap] = rgb2ind(A8,65536);


info8 = imfinfo('boston.tif');


标签= struct(。。。'Compression',info8.compression,。。。'RowsPerStrip', info8.RowsPerStrip,。。。'XResolution', info8.XResolution,。。。'YResolution', info8.YResolution,。。。'ImageDescription', info8.ImageDescription,。。。'DateTime', info8.DateTime,。。。'Copyright', info8.Copyright,。。。'方向', info8.Orientation);


ans = struct with fields: Chunky: 1 Separate: 2

使用从infostructure to obtain the desired value.

标签。PlanarConfiguration =。。。Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.(info8.PlanarConfiguration);

Set the ResolutionUnit value in the same manner.

标签。再保险solutionUnit = Tiff.ResolutionUnit.(info8.ResolutionUnit);

软件标签未在boston.tiffile. However,geotiffwritewill set theSoftwaretag by default. To preserve the information, set the value to the empty string which prevents the tag from being written to the file.

标签。Software ='';

Copy the GeoTIFF information fromboston.tif

geoinfo = geotiffinfo('boston.tif');key = geoinfo.GeoTIFFTags.GeoKeyDirectoryTag;

Write to the GeoTIFF file.

filename8 = datafile('boston_indexed.tif');geotiffwrite(filename8,X8,cmap,R8,'GeoKeyDirectoryTag',钥匙,'TiffTags',tags)

View the indexed image.

figure mapshow(filename8) title('Boston - Indexed Image')xlabel('MA Mainland State Plane easting, survey feet')ylabel('MA Mainland State Plane northing, survey feet')

Compare the information in the structures that should be equal by printing a table of the values.

info_rgb = imfinfo('boston.tif');info_indexed = imfinfo(filename8); tagNames = fieldnames(tags); tagNames(strcmpi('Software', tagNames)) = []; names = [{'Height''Width'},tagnames'];间距= 2;fieldNameLength = max(cellfun(@length,names)) +间距;格式pec = ['%-'int2str(fieldnameLength)'s']; fprintf([formatSpec formatSpec formatSpec'\ n'],。。。'Fieldname','RGB Information','Indexed Information') fprintf([formatSpec formatSpec formatSpec'\ n'],。。。'-------------','-----------------------,'-------------------')fork = 1:长度(名称)fprintf([formatspec格式PEMATSPEC格式PEMATSPEC'\ n'],。。。names{k},。。。num2str(info_rgb.(names{k})),。。。num2str(info_indexed.(names{k})))end
Fieldname RGB Information Indexed Information --------- --------------- ------------------- Height 28812881宽度4481 4481压缩未压缩的未压缩牛皮条256 256 256 XResolution 300 300 yresolution 300 300 300 ImagedScription“ Geoeye”“ Geoeye”“ Geoeye” DateTime 2007:02:23 21:46:13 2007:02:23 21:46:46:13 21:46:13 pocyright“”(c)geoeye”方向1 1平面配置厚实的矮小的分辨率英寸英寸英寸英寸英寸

Compare the information that should be different, since you converted an RGB image to an indexed image, by printing a table of values.

names = {'FileSize','ColorType','BitDepth',。。。'BitsPerSample','PhotometricInterpretation'}; fieldnameLength = max(cellfun(@length, names)) + spacing; formatSpec = ['%-'int2str(fieldnameLength)'s']; formatSpec2 ='%-17s'; fprintf(['\ n'格式PEMATSPEC2 FORMATSPEC2'\ n'],。。。'Fieldname','RGB Information','Indexed Information')fprintf([格式PEMATSATSPEC2 FORMATSPEC2'\ n'],。。。'-------------','-----------------------,'-------------------')fork = 1:length(names) fprintf([formatSpec formatSpec2 formatSpec2'\ n'],。。。names{k},。。。num2str(info_rgb.(names{k})),。。。num2str(info_indexed.(names{k})))end
Fieldname RGB Information Indexed Information --------- --------------- ------------------- FileSize 38729900 27925078 ColorType truecolor indexed BitDepth 24 16 BitsPerSample 8 8 8 16 PhotometricInterpretation RGB RGB Palette

Cleanup: Remove Data Folder



Data Set Information

The filesboston.tifboston_ovr.jpg包括Geoeye版权所有的材料,保留所有权利。Geoeye于2013年1月29日合并为DigitalGlobe Corporation。有关数据集的更多信息,请使用命令type boston.txttype boston_ovr.txt

The filesconcord_orthow_w.tifconcord_ortho_e.tif使用来自地理信息局(Massgis),马萨诸塞州联邦,技术和安全服务执行办公室的正常光瓷砖得出。有关数据集的更多信息,请使用命令键入concord_ortho.txt。For an updated link to the data provided by MassGIS, see

DTED文件n39_w106_3arc_v2.dt1is courtesy of the US Geological Survey.

See Also
