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Modeling the Earth

Represent the shape and size of the Earth; represent ellipsoids; convert between parameters


geocrs Geographic coordinate reference system object
wgs84Ellipsoid Reference ellipsoid for World Geodetic System 1984
egm96geoid Geoid height from Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96)
earthRadius Mean radius of planet Earth
rcurve Ellipsoidal radii of curvature
rsphere Radii of auxiliary spheres
geocentricLatitude Convert geodetic to geocentric latitude
parametricLatitude Convert geodetic to parametric latitude
geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric Convert geocentric to geodetic latitude
geodeticLatitudeFromParametric Convert parametric to geodetic latitude
axes2ecc Eccentricity of ellipse from axes lengths
majaxis Semimajor axis of ellipse
minaxis Semiminor axis of ellipse
ecc2flat Flattening of ellipse from eccentricity
flat2ecc Eccentricity of ellipse from flattening
ecc2n Third flattening of ellipse from eccentricity
n2ecc Eccentricity of ellipse from third flattening


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oblateSpheroid Oblate ellipsoid of revolution
referenceEllipsoid Reference ellipsoid
referenceSphere Reference sphere
AuthalicLatitudeConverter Convert between geodetic and authalic latitudes
ConformalLatitudeConverter Convert between geodetic and conformal latitudes
IsometricLatitudeConverter Convert between geodetic and isometric latitudes
RectifyingLatitudeConverter Convert between geodetic and rectifying latitudes


The Shape of the Earth

The Earth can be modeled with increasing precision as a perfect sphere, an oblate spheroid, an ellipsoid, or a geoid.

Reference Spheroids

A reference spheroid is a model of a roughly-spherical astronomical body with a simplified geometry, such as a sphere with uniform radius or a standard ellipsoid.

Work with Reference Spheroids

Use reference spheroids to create map projections, to calculate curves and areas on the surface of a spheroid, and to transform 3-D geodetic coordinates.