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List kinematic variables assigned as targets


targetVariables(ks)outputs a table that lists the target variables in theKinematicsSolverobjectks. Each row shows the details of a variable. For a joint variable, the table shows the ID, joint type, block path, and unit. For a frame variable, the table shows the ID, base and follower frames, and unit.

Both joint and frame variables can serve as targets. Note that there are a few limitations for variables to be assigned as targets. SeeaddTargetVariables为更多的细节。分配一个变量作为目标,use theaddTargetVariablesobject function. To remove target variables, use theremoveTargetVariablesobject function to drop target variables that are no longer needed for the analysis, or use theclearTargetVariablesobject function to drop all target variables in one call.

During a search, the target variables serve as constraints of the system, and the solver searches for a solution that is compatible with the targeted joint and frame variables. Do not overconstrain the system with target variables. A system is overconstrained if a kinematic loop in the system has a target for every joint. One way of avoiding overconstraining is to reassign one of the joint variables from a target to an initial guess by using theaddInitialGuessVariablesobject function.

Input Arguments

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Kinematics solver object, specified as aKinematicsSolverobject that is the representation of the Simscape Multibody model used for kinematic analysis.

Example:ks = simscape.multibody.KinematicsSolver('sm_double_pendulum')

Version History

Introduced in R2019a