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Evaluate nonlinear regression model prediction


ypred = feval(mdl,Xnew1,Xnew2,...,Xnewn)


ypred= feval(mdl,Xnew1,Xnew2,...,Xnewn)returns the predicted response ofmdlto the input[Xnew1,Xnew2,...,Xnewn].

Input Arguments


Nonlinear regression model, constructed byfitnlm.


Predictor components.Xnewican be one of:

  • Scalar

  • Vector

  • Array

Each nonscalar component must have the same size (number of elements in each dimension).

If you pass just oneXnewarray,Xnewcan be a table, dataset array, or an array of doubles, where each column of the array represents one predictor.

Output Arguments


Predicted mean values atXnew.ypredis the same size as each component ofXnew.


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Create a nonlinear model for auto mileage based on thecarbigdata. Predict the mileage of an average car.

Load the data and create a nonlinear model.

loadcarbigtbl = table(Horsepower,Weight,MPG); modelfun = @(b,x)b(1) + b(2)*x(:,1).^b(3) +...b(4)*x(:,2).^b(5); beta0 = [-50 500 -1 500 -1]; mdl = fitnlm(tbl,modelfun,beta0);

Find the predicted mileage of an average car. The data contains some missing (NaN) observations, so compute the mean usingmeanwith the'omitnan'option.

Xnew = mean([Horsepower Weight],'omitnan'); MPGnew = feval(mdl,Xnew)
MPGnew = 21.8073


predictgives the same predictions, but uses a single input array with one observation in each row, rather than one component in each input argument.predict也给了知名的ence intervals on its predictions.

randompredicts with added noise.