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Configure messages for event-based transmission



transmitEvent(canch,msg,state)enables or disables an event-based transmit of the CAN message,msg, on the channel, according to thestateargument of'On'or'Off'. A typical event that triggers a transmission is a change to the messageDataproperty.


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Configure a channel with an event-based message.

Construct a CAN channel and configure a message on the channel.

canch = canChannel('MathWorks','Virtual 1',1); msg = canMessage(200,false,4);

Enable the message for event-based transmit, start the channel, and pack the message to trigger the event-based transmit.

transmitEvent(canch,msg,'On'); start(canch); pack(msg,int32(1000),0,32,'LittleEndian')

Input Arguments

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CAN channel, specified as a CAN channel object. This is the channel by which you access the CAN bus, and the channel on which the specified message is enabled for event-based transmit.

Message to transmit, specified as a CAN message object or array of message objects. This is the message enabled for event-based transmission on the specified CAN channel.

Enable event-based transmission, specified as'On'or'Off'.


Data Types:char|string

Introduced in R2010b