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MATLAB to Android Made Easy example files

1.0版。0.0 (8.91 MB) by MathWorks MATLAB Coder Team
Use MATLAB Coder to generate C code and integrate it into an Android app using Android Dev Tool


Updated22 Oct 2015

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These are the example files used in the "MATLAB to iPhone and Android Made Easy" webinar:
Includes files and instructions to use this workflow.
Example files tested with R2015b, and likely works with any version of MATLAB Coder since it does not require any special files/functions. The workflow only requires MATLAB and MATLAB Coder, though you will need the appropriate toolboxes to generate code from toolbox functions (i.e. Computer Vision System Toolbox).

Learn how to generate readable and portable C code from your MATLAB algorithms using MATLAB Coder™, and then integrate it into an Android device using the Android SDK. The app can then be executed on the simulator or downloaded onto a physical device. This session is geared toward algorithm engineers developing and testing algorithms in MATLAB who are looking to put algorithms on these mobile devices.

Cite As

MathWorks MATLAB Coder Team (2022).MATLAB to Android Made Easy example files(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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