Antarctic Mapping Tool: how can I evaluate the distance of a point from the coastline?
The easiest solution is the dist2mask function in the Antarctic boundaries add-on for AMT. Syntax is d = dist2mask('openocean'...

12 months ago | 0

How to mask a 3-D raster using a multiple feature attribute shapefile?
Try this: mask = inpolygon(X,Y,[roi.X],[roi.Y]); You don't even need to remove the trailing nans. :)

12 months ago | 0

how to turn netcdf into contour map
Hi Abigail, The first thing I do with a netcdf file is type ncdisp('') to see what's inside it. If you have some ...

12 months ago | 0


Extracting data from matrix
To only plot the ocean data, try masking out the land data by setting those values in A to NaN. like this: A(B==1) = NaN; % se...

12 months ago | 0


Equal Sized random assortment, using randi?
This would be one way to define how many ones and how many twos in each column before randomizing them: N_cols = 8; % number o...

12 months ago | 0

PCA Graph of Data Comes Up Blank
I think you're mixing and matching different ways of defining filenames. As a result, dir is unable to find the files you're loo...

12 months ago | 0

datestr generating different string
How about myy = 2014; mym = 1; myd = 20; datestr(datenum(myy,mym,myd),'dd/mm/yyyy')

12 months ago | 0


Three column table into matrix
I think table2array is the function you're looking for.

12 months ago | 1

How to find data points within 2% tolerance of curve
Sounds like a nice homework problem. You'll probably want to use logical indexing to find the indices of the Y data that are w...

1 year ago | 0


Plotting multiple graphs from multiple ranges in excel
The easiest way is probably to read the full range of data all at once, then loop through the different ranges you want to plot....

1 year ago | 0

Getting a filter error today when yesterday didn't?
I suspect that yesterday you weren't including x in the filter. Yesterday you were filtering the d signal, which is just [1 0 0 ...

1 year ago | 0

How do I fix my display of the x and y values? They should be x = 1.15 and y = 3.85.
The double equals is defining x and y as a boolean. It's saying x = 1 if minimum_voltage equals acosd(B/2*A)*5/180. Let's find o...

1 year ago | 0

How can i create these three images in one figure?
If you're question is about how to make subplots, here's how. figure subplot(3,1,1) plot(sind(1:1e4)) subplot(3,1,2) plot...

1 year ago | 0

How can I compute the mean value over a time interval?
Hi Anna, welcome to the forum. With these types of questions it always helps if you can provide a minimal working example. But...

1 year ago | 0

What MATLAB functions are underappreciated?
One of the most powerful functions I know of took me years from hearing about its existence to using it regularly, because it's ...

1 year ago | 3

What MATLAB functions are underappreciated?
I rarely see anyone use the lighting functions, but they're incredibly powerful and can make data come to life. They're provide ...

1 year ago | 1


What MATLAB functions are underappreciated?
开放的问题:MATLAB函数(s)你希望you had discovered sooner? Are there any functions that no one talks about, b...

1 year ago | 8 answers | 4




MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica
Plot satellite images, grounding lines, and coast lines of Antarctica

1 year ago | 7 downloads |


How to plot the point where two complicated graphs cross?
Does this do it for ya? //

1 year ago | 0

Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
I think this is the error t(2*pi*j/(2*d)) The first time through the loop, j=3, which means 2*pi*j/(2*d) = 0.02 It's tryin...

1 year ago | 1


How to create a bubble plot with Antarctic Mapping Tool
Hey @Raffaello Nardin, First off, excellent job on creating a minimal working example. That really helps me understand where y...

1 year ago | 4



cmocean perceptually-uniform colormaps
Perceptually-uniform colormaps inspired by oceanography

1 year ago | 142 downloads |



Antarctic boundaries, grounding line, and masks from InSAR
A complete MEaSUREs grounding line, coast line, and mask dataset from Mouginot et al.

1 year ago | 13 downloads |



Antarctic Mapping Tools
A toolbox for analysis and display of Antarctica-related data

1 year ago | 37 downloads |


Multi Surface Plotting & Color Control of each surface
Try setting the facecolor option using the RGB values. Here are a red [1 0 0] and a blue [0 0 1] surface, using built-in example...

1 year ago | 0

How to make variable matrix?
In Matlab, the first index of any variable is 1, so T(0) will produce an error. Try T(1) to T(n+1).

1 year ago | 0


Ackley Function 3D plot
它看起来像代码停止线,说return. Try putting the function at the bottom of the script and ending it wi...

1 year ago | 0



shaded line plots for anomalies

1 year ago | 17 downloads |



Some tools for working with data from Morlighem et al.'s BedMachine data for Greenland and Antarctica

1 year ago | 11 downloads |


Uniformly distributed random variables
Ah, this is a fun question, because the concept it's getting at is quite common across science and engineering. The process of...

1 year ago | 1


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