
Kernel Creation

Algorithm structures and patterns that create CUDA®GPU内核

GPU CODER™代码生成技术生产用于算法的CUDA内核。CUDA内核是在NVIDIA上执行的函数®GPU设备。这些内核执行的许多GPUthreads in parallel. By efficiently mapping compute intensive portions of your algorithm to kernels, you can take advantage of the performance improvements provided by GPU computing technology.

您可以使用MATLAB编程编写算法®或在Simulink中以图形方式金宝app®环境。您可以触发GPU编码器来创建用于MATLAB代码中特定算法结构和模式的CUDA内核或包含的Simulink模型金宝appMATLAB功能blocks. Because code generation is tightly integrated with the MATLAB and Simulink execution and simulation engines, kernels generated in the source code and executable programs match the functional behavior of MATLAB code executions and Simulink simulations to a high degree of accuracy.
