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Develop Apps Using App Designer

Develop apps interactively using App Designer

App Designer is an interactive development environment for designing an app layout and programming its behavior. It provides a fully integrated version of the MATLAB®编辑器和一个大的交互式UI组件s. It also offers a grid layout manager to organize your user interface, and automatic reflow options to make your app detect and respond to changes in screen size. It lets you distribute apps by packaging them into installer files directly from the App Designer toolstrip, or by creating a standalone desktop or web app (requiresMATLAB Compiler™).

To get started, seeCreate and Run a Simple App Using App Designeror watchGetting Started with App Designer.


appdesigner Open App Designer Start Page or existing app file


Learn the Basics of App Designer

Create and Run a Simple App Using App Designer

Step through the process of creating a simple app using App Designer.

App Building Components

View samples of the UI components available for building modern apps.

Lay Out Apps in App Designer Design View

Arrange and configure components on the App Designer canvas.

Manage Code in App Designer Code View

Use Code View to program the behavior of your app.

Compare and Merge Apps

View and merge changes between two apps.

Customize App Appearance

Manage Resizable Apps in App Designer

Manage the default automatic resizing behavior in App Designer.

Add UI Components to App Designer Programmatically

Add UI components that are not available in the Component Library, or that you want to create at run time.

Display Graphics in App Designer

Use graphics functions to create axes and charts in App Designer.

Table Array Data Types in App Designer Apps

当你控制显示不同的数据类型sing table array data in an app.

Program App Behavior

Write Callbacks in App Designer

Write callbacks to control the behavior of apps you create in App Designer.

Create Multiwindow Apps in App Designer

Combine multiple apps into a multiwindow app, and share data between those apps.

Create HTML File That Can Trigger or Respond to Data Changes

Create an HTML file to embed HTML, JavaScript®, or CSS content in your app that can trigger or respond to data changes.

Organize App Data Using MATLAB Classes

Write scalable and reusable code by separating app data and algorithms from the user interface.

Use the Background to Make Your Apps More Responsive

Improve the responsiveness of apps you create with MATLAB App Designer by using the background pool.

App Designer Settings and Compatibility

App Designer Preferences

Enable or disable options for App Designer.

App Designer Keyboard Shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts that work inDesign ViewandCode View.

Compatibility Between Different Releases of App Designer

Make your apps compatible with previous releases of App Designer.

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