Policies and Statements


Updated 5月13日,2020年5月13日

The MathWorks, Inc. (“MathWorks”) and itsworldwide offices认真对待您的隐私。本隐私政策描述了当您与MathWorks互动或使用我们的产品和服务时,我们会收集的个人数据。下载188bet金宝搏它解释了我们如何使用您的个人数据以及您拥有的权限和选项。本隐私政策还描述了我们的遵守全球隐私法,包括欧洲联盟一般数据保护条例(GDPR)和加州消费者隐私法(CCPA),和our certification in theEU-US Privacy Shield and Swiss-US Privacy Shieldframeworks.

Mathworks.does not sell or rent your information. We only disclose your information to third parties for the limited purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is presented in two parts. Part One describes our privacy practices generally. Part Two provides details on specific products and services, including our网站and our use ofcookies



Mathworks.may collect certain types of information about you when you access and use our products and services, visit our web site, or interact with us in other ways such as attending a MathWorks event. The categories of information we collect are:

  • 姓名和联系信息,例如您的名字和姓氏,电话号码,邮寄地址,电子邮件地址和国家/地区。
  • 组织信息,例如贵公司或机构的名称以及您的角色和标题。
  • Account information, such as your MathWorks Account login and password. We also may store account information that you provide to us relating to your accounts with third-party service providers, if you choose to integrate your MathWorks Account with your accounts on third-party services.
  • Payment information, such as your credit card number, if you make a purchase from us.
  • License information, such as the MathWorks products and services you have purchased and the licensed users and devices for those products.
  • 使用信息,例如您正在使用的Mathworks产品和服务,您使用的第三方产品或服务与Ma下载188bet金宝搏thworks产品或服务集成,当您访问或使用产品和服务,错误报告和性能数据时。这包括Web Analytics信息,例如您访问的网站上的页面以及您单击的链接。
  • 设备和网络信息,例如IP地址,操作系统,首选语言,SSL证书和浏览器类型。
  • 对我们的通信内容,例如反馈,客户支持请求和技术支持请求。金宝app这些可能包括电话或电话录制。
  • 您自愿向MathWorks提交的其他信息,例如有关使用Mathworks Online Services使用Mathworks Online Services存储的即将介绍的事件,文件和数据的信息,以及向Mathworks网站的社区区域提交。




3. How We Use Your Information


  • 提供您或代表您要求的产下载188bet金宝搏品,服务和支持。金宝app
  • To process and ship orders that you place with us or that are placed on your behalf, and to provide you with documentation or other material in support of such orders.
  • To authenticate and secure your MathWorks Account or your use of our products and services.
  • 管理许可证并确定我们的产品和服务的使用。下载188bet金宝搏
  • 管理和改进我们的产品和服务,包括我们的网站。下载188bet金宝搏
  • 能够提供咨询或培训服务以及参加研讨会,展览和其他活动。
  • 提供响应产品或服务的订单所需的任何沟通或材料,支持或信息请求,或研讨会,贸易展或其他事件的申请。金宝app
  • To solicit optional feedback in the form of surveys measuring customer satisfaction with MathWorks products, services, and events.
  • 通知您新产品,更新或与购买或信息请求相关的下载188bet金宝搏其他信息。
  • To provide important information regarding the renewal of agreements, version upgrades, and other notifications about products and services that you license or use.
  • 对我们公司发送宣传资料,公关oducts, services, and events and, in some cases, on behalf of related third-party products, services, and events. You may用电子邮件选择退出接收促销材料
  • 市场和销售我们的产品和服务。下载188bet金宝搏您可以选择退出营销电子邮件。MathWorks不使用与学校的K-12学生的个人信息用于营销目的。
  • To allow you to integrate MathWorks products and services with third-party services at your request. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any such third-party services.
  • 根据单独的职业隐私政策处理与您的就业相关请求或申请。
  • 执行我们的协议或遵守适用法律,法规或法院或行政秩序所施加的义务。我们可能需要披露个人的个人信息以回应公共当局的合法要求,包括满足国家安全或执法要求。



看到第二部分below for detailed information about how each of our products and services, including our web site, collects and uses data.第二部分also describes我们的使用cookiesWeb Analytics.,和“Do Not Track” settings



MATHWORKS可以与关联公司,合作伙伴,服务提供商,授权经销商和分销商以及其他第三方共享信息,以满足有限的目的Section 3 above。These entities may be located throughout the world and fall into the following categories:

  • Web and systems infrastructure providers (e.g., providers of storage, databases, metrics, license management, business intelligence, social media, analytics, security services, and other information technology services)
  • Providers of products and services for business operations (e.g., accounting systems, contract management, payment processing, order fulfillment, support)
  • Autureates和授权经销商,他们可以使用MathWorks业务目的的信息,包括Mathworks产品和服务的营销,销售和支持下载188bet金宝搏金宝app
  • Event management and service providers for in-person and online events such as conferences, webinars, and training sessions



5. Your Choices About Your Information


Mathworks.sends many types of email including electronic newsletters (MathWorks新闻和票据和matlab.®Digest) and event announcements. We also may contact you for marketing or sales purposes using the information provided to us by you or on your behalf through our web site or through our sales channels, resellers and distributors, or business partners such as those who help us manage events. You may choose not to receive these types of communications.


Informational communications

For licensed customers, including trial users, we contact you for purposes of communicating with you about the MathWorks products or services that you are licensing or using. These are transactional messages that provide information about, for example, software updates, upcoming renewals, and new releases to which you have access under your current license. You cannot opt out of these messages while you have an active license because they contain important information about your licensed products and the services you are using.

Blocking cookies and web-based advertising

You can use browser settings and third-party services to block cookies, advertisements, and certain other kinds of information transmitted over the Internet. For more details, consult your web browser’s documentation and help pages, and see our sections below on cookies and third-party advertising.

Changing, correcting, or deleting your personal information

Mathworks.Accountholders may make changes and corrections to personal information online. If you have other questions or requests about your personal information, or wish to exercise any of your legal rights involving your personal information, please submit aCustomer Support privacy requestor contact us atprivacy@mathworks.com

In some cases, we may not be able to fully comply with your requests. For example, even if you request that we delete your personal information, we may need to retain your data for legal purposes. In these cases, we will respond to your request and explain the extent to which we were able to comply.

6. Information Submitted to Community Areas

用户可以向可以公开可访问的Mathworks网站的社区区域向社区区域提交信息。例如,用户可以创建一个社区配置文件,其中包括个人生物和社交媒体链接,在Matlab Central的比赛中参与贡献文件和产品,以提交exchange和附加资源管理器,速率和审查工具在文件Exchange和Add-on中下载188bet金宝搏资源管理器,或向MorestSpeak™社区提交问题和评论。您提交给这些社区区域的内容,包括个人信息,可能不会受到MathWorks网站其他部分收集的受大化信息的保护。您提交的内容将通过Internet从世界的任何部门访问,并且您提交的任何信息都可以由MathWorks和Public使用,在您发布的国家/地区内外,都可以使用。

7. Compliance with Privacy Laws, GDPR, CCPA, and Privacy Shield

Mathworks.complies with applicable privacy laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and adheres to fair information practice principles. These principles include the Privacy Shield Principles of notice, choice, accountability for onward transfer, security, data integrity and purpose limitation, access, and recourse, enforcement, and liability.


如果您受到GDPR,CCPA或其他适用的隐私法,您有权对您的个人数据进行某些要求。您有权请求访问您的个人数据,请求MathWorks更正您的个人数据,以便准确且最新,或请求您的个人数据受到限制或删除。您可以通过提交a行使这些权利Customer Support privacy request或联系我们privacy@mathworks.com或者为加州居民或加州居民,在(833)917-2250上致电我们的免费电话号码。您可以提出与您自己的个人数据有关的请求,而不是关于另一个人的数据。为了遵守验证您的身份的法律要求,在响应个人数据请求之前,MathWorks将询问包含您的名字,姓氏,电子邮件地址和地理区域的某些信息。MathWorks不会歧视您,以赋予法律赋予的隐私权。


You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time and free of charge.

MathWorks通常依赖于合法利益那also known as business purposes, as the lawful basis for processing personal data. Specific legitimate interests are listed in Section 3 (How We Use Your Information) above. In addition, when you enter into a legal or business transaction with us, such as a purchase, a software license, or other legal contract, we need to store and use personal information associated with that transaction to enforce our rights under the transaction and to meet our legal obligations to you or to government authorities. We rely on consent when you give us information for a specified reason, such as registering for an event. If you choose not to provide information, our ability to provide you with certain products and services may be limited to the extent that such products and services depend on the information.

For GDPR purposes, MathWorks representative is The MathWorks GmbH, Adalperostr. 45, München (Ismaning), 85737, Germany.


MathWorks根据欧盟 - 美国隐私盾构框架和美国商务部所提出的关于收集,使用和保留从欧洲经济区,联合王国转移的个人信息的瑞士美国隐私盾牌框架和瑞士分别到美国。如果本隐私政策的条款与隐私盾构原则之间存在任何冲突,则隐私盾构原则应管理。要了解有关隐私盾计划的更多信息,并查看我们的认证,请访问https://www.privacyshield.gov/welcome.。MathWorks受联邦贸易委员会(FTC)的调查和执法权。

遵守隐私法和隐私盾牌框架,MathWorks致力于解决您的隐私和收集或使用您的个人信息的投诉。有关本隐私政策的询问或投诉的个人应首先通过电子邮件联系MathWorksprivacy@mathworks.com或者通过将邮件发送到以下地址:客户服务头部,Mathworks,1 Apple Hill Drive,Natick,MA 01760。敏感的个人信息可以通过传真发送至1-508-647-7061。

Mathworks.has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU PRIVACY SHIELD, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, visithttps://bbbpprocraphy.org/programs/all-programs/bbb-eu-privacy-shield-consumers/processforconsumers.有关更多信息,并为您提供投诉。请注意,如果您的投诉未通过这些渠道解决,因此在有限的情况下,在隐私盾牌面板之前可以使用约束仲裁选项。

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

在任何ti MathWorks可能修改隐私政策me, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Privacy Policy. Notification of material changes to this Privacy Policy will be provided by noting a new "updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.

第二部分: Privacy in Specific MathWorks Products and Services

1. MathWorks Account

Most MathWorks products and services are accessed using your MathWorks Account. Your name, email address, country, and the reason for your use of MathWorks products and services are required to create a MathWorks Account. This information is provided by either you or your organization at the time the account is created. We do not allow children under 13 to create a MathWorks Account. Accounts for children must be created by an authorized adult who can consent on the child’s behalf.

您可以选择使用Two-Step Verification对于您的Mathworks帐户。在Mathworks帐户中签名时,可以从安全设置页面启用或禁用此选项。如果启用两步验证,您将提供电子邮件地址或电话号码,我们可以发送验证代码。我们将仅使用此信息以便发送验证消息。MathWorks使用第三方通信提供商发送用于两步验证的文本消息。我们有一项合同,要求通信提供商保持电话号码保密,仅用于发送验证码的目的,只能根据法律要求保留它。您还可以通过您选择在移动设备上安装的第三方应用程序接收验证代码。


2. Web site and online services

When you visit the MathWorks web site and otherwise use our online services, we collect usage, device, and network information such as your IP address, the type of operating system and web browser you are using, and which areas you visit. We may use data collected in web server log files, JavaScript code, and cookies (as further described below). We use this information for purposes such as administering our web site, helping to diagnose problems with our technology infrastructure, providing visitors with relevant content, and analyzing visitors’ behavior to better understand their needs.


3. Cookies

When you visit the MathWorks web site or otherwise use our online services, one or more cookies are placed on (or read from) your machine if your browser is set to accept cookies. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser. A cookie consists of a simple code that is used to access your account information, maintain current session data, gather broad demographic information, and help analyze web site traffic. MathWorks may use the information in cookies for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, market research and improving the content of our web site. Cookies may also be accessible to third parties for the web analytics, social media, and advertising purposes described below.


Some cookies are used for internal purposes, such as keeping you signed in to your MathWorks Account or telling us which pages you have visited. Other cookies are shared with third parties; see theWeb Analytics.那social media, and third-party advertising section下面的解释如何使用这些。Mathworks.also sets cookies that look at your preferences when you use the web site so that MathWorks may offer you tailored marketing information that you may be interested in.


Mathworks.engages a third-party web traffic analysis company to log aggregate information coming through our web site on our behalf. MathWorks controls how that data may and may not be used. When you visit our web site, the third-party web traffic analysis company may use technical tracking methods such as cookies (which may be listed under the domains mathworks.com, mathworks.demdex.net, or 2o7.net), and web beacons, on our behalf, and may receive information about your browsing on our web site. We may also use these technical tracking methods in emails to determine whether the recipients have opened such emails, clicked on links contained in those emails, and continued to browse our web site.


MathWorks可以使用Cookie,Web BeaCons和其他存储技术的选择第三方合作伙伴提供测量服务,并根据您的目前的访问提供Mathworks相关内容,包括Mathworks广告,包括Mathworks广告,包括互联网上的其他地方到我们的网站。我们允许第三方公司(包括社交媒体网站),当您在网站中分享或书签内容时收集某些匿名信息。我们不会与这些第三方公司分享任何个人身份信息。但是,如果这些公司已经拥有有关您的信息或者在计算机上存储Cookie,则可能能够将不可识别的信息与现有信息匹配以识别您。

If you wish to opt-out of behavioral advertising on third-party web sites, visit the网络广告倡议网站orDigital Advertising Alliance网站。





7. MathWorks Store

Mathworks商店有安全措施,以保护我们控制损失,滥用,破坏和改变的控制下的订单信息。我们使用称为TLS加密的行业标准的安全措施。加密通过扰乱运输中的数据来帮助您保护您的信用卡号和个人信息到MathWorks Store。我们加密每个订单。MathWorks不存储您的完整信用卡号码,但存储有关付款和交易的信息,包括订单号,混淆信用卡号(具有XXXX替换为某些数字)和到期日期。MathWorks使用PCI标准的第三方供应商来安全地处理您的订单。通过MathWorks Store提交订单时,您将直接向第三方供应商提交您的付款信息,然后可以将您的信息传递给银行等金融中介机构。

8. Product installation, licensing, and usage

The information we collect in connection with product installation, licensing, and usage allows us to understand your requirements, to ensure effective licensing of our products, and to provide you with information that you may need for support in the future.

To enable you to use our products, we may request or collect information such as your name, email address, physical location, phone number, title, company name, and/or system user name. Such information may be used to activate, register, confirm, or update your product or license.


At the time of installation or activation, MathWorks software may collect network and device information including your MAC address, IP address, computer hostname and username, and operating system version. On an ongoing basis, when you use MathWorks products and services, MathWorks software may periodically collect network, device, account, license, and usage information, including which license you are linked with and which products and features you are using. License administrators may set up accounts for licensed users and view information about use by licensed users such as which products the users have access to and whether the products have been activated.


9. MATLAB Online, MATLAB Drive, MATLAB Mobile, MATLAB Drive Connector, and Cloud Center


When you store files using our online services, your files are stored with a third-party web and systems infrastructure vendor with whom MathWorks has a contract. If you are working offline, your files are stored on your own device until you are back online.

If you store files using our online services, they can only be accessed by you unless you choose to share them. Even if you have an account through an organization, like a company or university, others in your organization can only see your files if you choose to share them. Select MathWorks personnel serving in certain information technology roles have access limited to deployment, backup, and recovery operations. These personnel all have signed confidentiality agreements.


Add-On Explorer requires you to sign in with your MathWorks Account. File Exchange requires you to sign in with your MathWorks Account if you are contributing or downloading files. When you download files using Add-On Explorer or File Exchange, MathWorks stores your IP address. In addition, if you have contributed content from GitHub to Add-On Explorer or File Exchange, MathWorks stores your GitHub account information.

11. ThingSpeak™

ThingSpeak requires you to sign in with your MathWorks Account. MathWorks stores any information that you provide for integration between ThingSpeak and MathWorks or third-party services, such as authentication credentials and code files. MathWorks also stores data that you choose to send to ThingSpeak. You can choose to make that data public or private. Public data is generally displayed with your MathWorks Account login and a link to your MathWorks Account profile. Access to your private data and apps is protected by API keys that you may reset at any time.

12. Authentication system for educational institutions

For students and personnel at educational institutions that elect to use a federated identity management system, such as Shibboleth, the institution directs the user to a portal where the user signs in. After sign-in, MathWorks receives information from the institution including the user’s identifier and organizational affiliation. If provided by the institution, MathWorks also receives the user’s name and email address. The user then sets up his or her own MathWorks Account, which is prepopulated with this information.

13. MATLAB Grader

Matlab Grader可能要求您使用MathWorks帐户登录。如果Matlab Grader与教育机构的学习管理系统一起访问,MathWorks仅通过Matlab Grader将MathWorks无法与任何个人关联的匿名用户ID。当以这种方式使用Matlab Grader时,MathWorks不存储,处理或发送与Matlab Grader相关的个人身份信息或机密数据。您的组织或帐户管理员可以访问您已完成的分配以及您在分配的进度。

14. Online Training Courses


15. MOOCs, online textbooks, learning management systems, and other online learning environments



Instructors have access to information that does not identify students, such as the number of people who completed assignments, the number of attempts students made, and submitted solutions. Students may voluntarily identify their assignment submissions to instructors; in this case, instructors would be able to match a student with the student’s submissions.

16. Products and services purchased through authorized resellers and distributors






如果您对此隐私政策或MathWorks隐私实践有疑问,contact usprivacy@mathworks.com