


Accelerate FPGA implementation of image and signal processing algorithms for an intravascular imaging device




  • 开发时间减少数月
  • HDL码效率提高
  • In-house FPGA implementation skills acquired

“Mathworks Consulting Services帮助我们在Simulink中模拟了我们的信号和图像处理管道,运行模拟以验证它正在制作质量图像,然后在FPGA上实现设计,同金宝app时确保我们获得工作的专业知识我们下次我们自己。“

John Beck,Infaredx
The TVC Imaging System user interface, with visualization tools for transverse IVUS, chemogram, and longitudinal IVUS.
The TVC Imaging System user interface, with visualization tools for transverse IVUS, chemogram, and longitudinal IVUS.

A patient with lipid core plaques (LCP) is more vulnerable to coronary artery disease (CAD), the number one killer in developed countries such as the United States. To help cardiologists detect LCP, Infraredx developed the TVC Imaging System™. The TVC Imaging System is the only FDA-approved medical device for LCP detection. It combines near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in a single coronary catheter to provide information about vessel composition and structure.

InfraRedx从事Mathworks咨询服务,以加速IVUS信号的开发和FPGA实现使用MATLAB的TVC成像系统中的IVUS信号和图像处理算法®,s金宝appimulink.®, and HDL Coder™. “On the first project that we worked on with MathWorks Consulting Services, we cut development time in half by generating HDL for our core IVUS algorithms,” says Dr. Zhihua He, principal imaging scientist at Infraredx. “More importantly the consultants taught us how we could accelerate FPGA implementation on future projects ourselves by using Simulink and HDL Coder.”


Infraredx implemented the first version of its IVUS system by handwriting HDL code for an Intel®(formerly Altera®)旋风FPGA。虽然代码是运作的,但手工编码不是可行的长期解决方案。Infaredx团队依靠承包商来实施增强和修复HDL。这种安排发展减缓了发展,并使Infraredx科学家不可能迅速评估其算法的新想法。此外,初始实现几乎消耗了FPGA上的所有乘法器和其他资源,几乎没有用于改进的过滤器和初始X的其他功能。

“我们有能力开发图像处理d signal processing algorithms, but we lacked the HDL proficiency to implement them on an FPGA,” says Dave Erickson, principal electrical engineer at Infraredx. “Outside companies were willing to help, but they wanted to do the work for us from start to finish. Our goal was to develop the expertise in-house so that we could do the work ourselves.”


Infraredx worked with MathWorks Consulting Services to speed the development and FPGA implementation of the next-generation IVUS system. MathWorks consultants provided training to enable Infraredx engineers and scientists to use Simulink and HDL Coder themselves on future versions of the product.


使用Fixed-Point Designer™,将浮点Simulink模型转换为固定点,并执行比特真实模拟,以评估精度调整对图金宝app像质量的影响。


在Cyclone FPGA上实现设计,团队生成了VHDL®使用HDL编码器的Simul金宝appink模型代码。然后,它们优化了模型,添加了多个同步时钟,以最有效地利用可用的FPGA资源。




  • 开发时间减少数月。“我们的IVUS处理管道的第一个版本需要六个月的发展,”他博士说。“通过Sim金宝appulink和HDL编码器,第二代在三个月内完成了三个月,六周三分之一。”

  • HDL码效率提高。The generated HDL used the same number of multipliers as the handwritten HDL while using 9% less logic and 3% less memory. “HDL Coder enabled us to add a significant amount of functionality—including twice as many filters—and still fit our design on the same FPGA,” says John Beck, principal software engineer at Infraredx.

  • In-house FPGA implementation skills acquired。“With help from MathWorks Consulting Services, our algorithm developers and image processing specialists now know how to implement their ideas on an FPGA,” says Erickson. “It’s a tremendous advantage to simulate a design change in Simulink, generate the HDL, and test it in real time on the FPGA within 30 minutes.”



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