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Big Data Processing

Analyze big data sets in parallel using distributed arrays, tall arrays, datastores, ormapreduce, on Spark®and Hadoop®clusters

You can use Parallel Computing Toolbox™ to distribute large arrays in parallel across multiple MATLAB® workers, so that you can run big-data applications that use the combined memory of your cluster. You operate on the entire array as a single entity, however, workers operate only on their part of the array, and automatically transfer data between themselves when necessary. Parallel Computing Toolbox also enables you to execute MATLAB®tall array anddatastorecalculations in parallel, so that you can analyze big data sets that do not fit in the memory of your cluster. You can useMATLAB Parallel Server™to run tall array anddatastorecalculations in parallel on Spark enabled Hadoop clusters. Doing so significantly reduces the execution time of very large data calculations.


  • Distributed Arrays
    Analyze big data sets in parallel using distributed arrays and simultaneous execution
  • Tall Arrays and mapreduce
    Analyze big data sets in parallel using MATLAB tall arrays and datastores ormapreduceon Spark and Hadoop clusters, and parallel pools