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Policies and Value Functions

Define policy and value function representations, such as deep neural networks and Q tables

A reinforcement learning policy is a mapping that selects an action to take based on observations from the environment. During training, the agent tunes the parameters of its policy representation to maximize the long-term reward.

Reinforcement Learning Toolbox™ software provides objects for actor and critic representations. The actor represents the policy that selects the best action to take. The critic represents the value function that estimates the value of the current policy. Depending on your application and selected agent, you can define policy and value functions using deep neural networks, linear basis functions, or look-up tables. For more information, seeCreate Policy and Value Function Representations.


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rlValueRepresentation Value function critic representation for reinforcement learning agents
rlQValueRepresentation Q-Value function critic representation for reinforcement learning agents
rlDeterministicActorRepresentation Deterministic actor representation for reinforcement learning agents
rlStochasticActorRepresentation 年代tochastic actor representation for reinforcement learning agents
rlRepresentationOptions Options set for reinforcement learning agent representations (critics and actors)
rlTable Value table or Q table
quadraticLayer Quadratic layer for actor or critic network
scalingLayer 年代caling layer for actor or critic network
softplusLayer 年代oftplus layer for actor or critic network
getActor Get actor representation from reinforcement learning agent
setActor 年代et actor representation of reinforcement learning agent
getCritic Get critic representation from reinforcement learning agent
setCritic 年代et critic representation of reinforcement learning agent
getLearnableParameters Obtain learnable parameter values from policy or value function representation
setLearnableParameters 年代et learnable parameter values of policy or value function representation
getModel Get computational model from policy or value function representation
setModel 年代et computational model for policy or value function representation
getAction Obtain action from agent or actor representation given environment observations
getValue Obtain estimated value function representation
getMaxQValue Obtain maximum state-value function estimate for Q-value function representation with discrete action space


Create Policy and Value Function Representations

年代pecify policy and value function representations using function approximators, such as deep neural networks.


You can import existing policies from other deep learning frameworks using the ONNX™ model format.