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Create Cartesian axes


axescreates the default Cartesian axes in the current figure and makes it the current axes. Typically, you do not need to create axes before plotting since graphics functions automatically create axes when plotting if they do not exist.


axes(Name,Value)modifies the axes appearance or controls the way data displays using one or more name-value pair arguments. For example,'FontSize',14sets the font size for the axes text. For a list of properties, seeAxes Properties.


axes(,Name,Value)creates the axes in the figure, panel, or tab specified by, instead of in the current figure.

ax= axes(___)returns theAxesobject created. Useaxto query and modify properties of theAxesobject after it is created. For a list of properties, seeAxes Properties.

axes(cax)使指定的轴或独立的可视化ed bycaxthecurrent axesand brings the parent figure into focus. This command also makescaxthe first object listed in theChildrenproperty of the figure and sets theCurrentAxesproperty of the figure tocax.


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Position twoAxesobjects in a figure and add a plot to each one.

Specify the position of the firstAxesobject so that it has a lower left corner at the point (0.1 0.1) with a width and height of 0.7. Specify the position of the secondAxesobject so that it has a lower left corner at the point (0.65 0.65) with a width and height of 0.28. By default, the values are normalized to the figure. Return theAxesobjects asax1andax2.

figure ax1 = axes('Position',[0.1 0.1 0.7 0.7]); ax2 = axes('Position',[0.65 0.65 0.28 0.28]);

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 is empty. Axes object 2 is empty.

Add a plot to eachAxesobject. Specify the axes by passing it as the first input argument to the graphics function. Most graphics functions reset some axes properties, such as the tick values and labels. However, they do not reset the axes position.

contour(ax1,peaks(20)) surf(ax2,peaks(20))

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains an object of type contour. Axes object 2 contains an object of type surface.

Create two overlayedAxesobjects. Then, specify the current axes and add a plot.

First create twoAxesobjects and specify the positions. Display the box outline around each axes. Return theAxesobjects asax1andax2.

figure ax1 = axes('Position',[0.1 0.1 .6 .6],'Box','on'); ax2 = axes('Position',[.35 .35 .6 .6],'Box','on');

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 is empty. Axes object 2 is empty.

Makeax1the current axes. This action brings the axes to the front of the display and makes it the target for subsequent graphics functions. Add a line plot to the axes.

axes(ax1) x = linspace(0,10); y = sin(x); plot(x,y)

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 is empty. Axes object 2 contains an object of type line.

Create a figure with two tabs. Add axes to each tab by specifying the parent container for each one. Plot a line in the first tab and a surface in the second tab.

figure tab1 = uitab('Title','Tab1'); ax1 = axes(tab1); plot(ax1,1:10) tab2 = uitab('Title','Tab2'); ax2 = axes(tab2); surf(ax2,peaks)

Figure contains 2 axes objects and another object of type uitabgroup. Axes object 1 contains an object of type surface. Axes object 2 contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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Parent container, specified as aFigure,Panel,Tab,TiledChartLayout, orGridLayoutobject.

Axes to make current, specified as anAxesobject, aPolarAxesobject, aGeographicAxesobject, or a standalone visualization such as aheatmap.

If you want to make an object the current axes without changing the state of the figure, set theCurrentAxesproperty of the figure containing that object; for example:

fig = gcf; fig.CurrentAxes = cax;
This approach is useful if you want a figure to remain minimized or stacked below other figures, but want to specify the current axes.

Name-Value Arguments

Example:axes('Position',[.3 .3 .5 .5])sets the position.

Specify optional comma-separated pairs ofName,Valuearguments.Nameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value.Namemust appear inside single quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments asName1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

Some graphics functions change axes property values when plotting, such as the axis limits or tick values. Set axes properties after plotting.


The properties listed here are only a subset. For a full list, seeAxes Properties.

Size and location, excluding a margin for the labels, specified as a four-element vector of the form[left bottom width height]. By default, MATLAB®measures the values in units normalized to the container. To change the units, set theUnitsproperty.

  • Theleftandbottomelements define the distance from the lower left corner of the container (typically a figure, panel, or tab) to the lower left corner of the position boundary.

  • Thewidthandheightelements are the position boundary dimensions. For axes in a 3-D view, thePositionproperty is the smallest rectangle that encloses the axes.

If you want to specify the position and account for the text around the axes, then set theOuterPositionproperty instead. These figures show the areas defined by theOuterPositionvalues (blue) and thePositionvalues (red).

2-D View of Axes 3-D View of Axes

2-D axes with a title and axis labels. The inner position is outlined in red. It encloses the plot box only. The title, axis labels, and tick labels lie outside this rectangle. The outer position is outlined in blue. It encloses the plot box, the title, and the axis labels.

3-D axes with a title and axis labels. The inner position is outlined in red. It encloses the plot box. The title and axis labels lie outside this rectangle. Depending on the orientation of the plot box, some of the tick labels might lie inside or outside of this rectangle. The outer position is outlined in blue. It encloses the plot box, the title, and all of the axis labels.

For more information on the axes position, seeControl Axes Layout.


Setting this property has no effect when the parent container is aTiledChartLayout.

Size and location, including the labels and a margin, specified as a four-element vector of the form[left bottom width height]. By default, MATLAB measures the values in units normalized to the container. To change the units, set theUnitsproperty. The default value of[0 0 1 1]includes the whole interior of the container.

  • Theleftandbottomelements define the distance from the lower left corner of the container (typically a figure, panel, or tab) to the lower left corner of the outer position boundary.

  • Thewidthandheightelements are the outer position boundary dimensions.

These figures show the areas defined by theOuterPositionvalues (blue) and thePositionvalues (red).

2-D View of Axes 3-D View of Axes

2-D axes with a title and axis labels. The inner position is outlined in red. It encloses the plot box only. The title, axis labels, and tick labels lie outside this rectangle. The outer position is outlined in blue. It encloses the plot box, the title, and the axis labels.

3-D axes with a title and axis labels. The inner position is outlined in red. It encloses the plot box. The title and axis labels lie outside this rectangle. Depending on the orientation of the plot box, some of the tick labels might lie inside or outside of this rectangle. The outer position is outlined in blue. It encloses the plot box, the title, and all of the axis labels.

For more information on the axes position, seeControl Axes Layout.


Setting this property has no effect when the parent container is aTiledChartLayout.

Position units, specified as one of these values.

Units Description
'normalized'(default) Normalized with respect to the container, which is typically the figure or a panel. The lower left corner of the container maps to(0,0)and the upper right corner maps to(1,1).
'inches' Inches.
'centimeters' Centimeters.

Based on the default uicontrol font of the graphics root object:

  • Character width = width of letterx.

  • Character height = distance between the baselines of two lines of text.

'points' Typography points. One point equals 1/72 inch.


Starting in R2015b, distances in pixels are independent of your system resolution on Windows®andMacintoshsystems.

  • On Windows systems, a pixel is 1/96th of an inch.

  • OnMacintoshsystems, a pixel is 1/72nd of an inch.

  • On Linux®systems, the size of a pixel is determined by your system resolution.

When specifying the units as aName,Valuepair during object creation, you must set theUnits财产之前指定的属性want to use these units, such asPosition.

More About

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Current Axes

The current axes is the default target object for many graphics commands, such asplot,title, andxlim. The following types of objects can become the current axes. Typically, it is the last one of these objects that is created, clicked on, or plotted into.

  • AnAxesobject.

  • APolarAxesobject.

  • AGeographicAxesobject.

  • A standalone visualization, which is a chart designed for a special purpose that works independently from other charts. For example, aheatmapis a standalone visualization for observing the interaction between two variables in tabular data.

Thegcacommand returns the current axes, and theCurrentAxesproperty of a figure stores its current axes. Thus, if you change the current figure, the current axes also changes.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a