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Identify eligible Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks to transform


transformResults= Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.identifyCandidates(model)returns the Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks that the Model Transfomer can transform in the specifiedmodel.

transformResults= Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.identifyCandidates(model,skipLibraryBlocks)additionally specifies whether to ignore library blocks.


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This example shows how to search a model for eligible Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks and store the results.

transformResults = Simulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.identifyCandidates('ex_model_transformer')
transformResults = Results with properties: Candidates: [1×1 struct] transformResults.Candidates = struct with fields: InterpolationPorts: [4×1 struct] SwitchPorts: [4×1 struct]

Input Arguments

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Model name, specified as a character vector.

Option to skip library blocks for transformation, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Output Arguments

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Identified redundant Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks, returned as aSimulink.ModelTransform.CommonSourceInterpolation.Resultsobject.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b