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3 Note Piano on Arduino with S-Functions

version (455 KB) by Techsource Technical Team
Use of Arduino Capacitive Sensing Library in Simulink using S-Functions


Updated13 Nov 2015

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The 3-Note Piano makes use of the capacitive sensing library to generate a tone when a sensing plate is touched. A sensing plate, which is a material with insulating properties, is connected to a high value resistor enables the Arduino to sense the electrical capacitance of the human body.
In Simulink, C-code is wrapped in an S-Function.

Cite As

Techsource Technical Team (2021).3 Note Piano on Arduino with S-Functions(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by:设备驱动程序

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