

Design and run experiments to train and compare deep learning networks


The实验经理app enables you to create deep learning experiments to train networks under multiple initial conditions and compare the results. For example, you can use deep learning experiments to:

  • 扫描一系列的超参数值或使用贝叶斯优化来找到最佳的训练选项。贝叶斯优化需要统计和机器学习工具箱™。

  • Use the built-in functiontrainNetwork或定义自己的自定义培训功能。

  • Compare the results of using different data sets or test different deep network architectures.

To set up your experiment quickly, you can start with a preconfigured template. The experiment templates support workflows that include image classification, image regression, sequence classification, semantic segmentation, and custom training loops.



  • You can store several experiments in the same project.

  • 每个实验都包含一组结果每次运行实验。

  • 每组结果由一个或多个组成trials对应于不同的超参数组合。

默认情况下,实验经理一次进行一次试验。If you have Parallel Computing Toolbox™, you can configure your experiment to run multiple trials at the same time or to run a single trial at a time on multiple GPUs, on a cluster, or in the cloud. If you haveMATLAB®Parallel Server™,您还可以将实验作为远程集群中的批处理作业卸载,以便您可以在培训期间继续工作或关闭MATLAB会话。有关更多信息,请参阅使用实验经理并行培训网络Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to Cluster


实验Browser showing two experiments. Experiment1 is a built-in training experiment with four results. Experiment2 is a custom training experiment with two results.

蓝色烧瓶indicates a built-in training experiment that uses thetrainNetwork功能。绿色烧杯表示依赖于不同培训功能的自定义培训实验。要打开实验的配置并查看其结果,请双击实验名称或一组结果。

Open the Experiment Manager App

  • MATLABToolstrip: On the应用tab, under机器学习和深度学习,单击应用程序图标。

  • MATLAB命令提示:输入experimentManager



这个例子展示了如何使用实验template for image classification by sweeping hyperparameters. With this template, you can quickly set up a built-in training experiment that uses thetrainNetwork功能。有关解决实验经理的图像分类问题的更多示例,请参见创建一个深度学习实验进行分类使用实验经理并行培训网络。为了more information on an alternative strategy to sweeping hyperparameters, see通过使用贝叶斯优化的调音实验超参数

Open the example to load a project with a preconfigured experiment that you can inspect and run. To open the experiment, in the实验Browser窗格,双击实验名称(实验1).

Alternatively, you can configure the experiment yourself by following these steps.

1. Open Experiment Manager. A dialog box provides links to the getting started tutorials and your recent projects, as well as buttons to create a new project or open an example from the documentation.

2. Under新的, 选择项目。一个对话框列出了几个模板,这些模板支持工作流,包括图像分类,图像回归,序列分类,语义金宝app分割和自定义培训循环。

3.下图像分类实验, 选择图像分类通过清除超参数

4. Specify the name and location for the new project. Experiment Manager opens a new experiment in the project. The实验窗格显示定义实验的描述,超参数,设置功能和指标。


Classification of digits, using various initial learning rates.

6. Under超参数, replace the value of肌杂型with0.0025:0.0025:0.015。验证这一点战略被设定为详尽的扫荡

7.下设置功能, 点击编辑。设置功能在MATLAB编辑器中打开。设置功能为实验指定培训数据,网络体系结构和培训选项。在此实验中,设置函数具有三个部分。

  • 负载培训数据定义包含实验训练和验证数据的图像数据存储。该实验使用数字数据集,该数据集由10,000个28 x-28像素灰度图像从0到9组成,由它们代表的数字进行分类。有关此数据集的更多信息,请参阅图像数据集

  • 定义网络体系结构为简单的卷积神经网络定义用于深度学习分类的体系结构。

  • Specify Training Options定义a训练实验的对象。在本实验中,设置函数从肌杂型在超参数表中输入。

当您运行实验,实验经理trains the network defined by the setup function six times. Each trial uses one of the learning rates specified in the hyperparameter table. By default, Experiment Manager runs one trial at a time. If you have Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can run multiple trials at the same time or offload your experiment as a batch job in a cluster.

  • 一次进行实验的一个试验,在实验管理器工具条上模式, 选择Sequential然后单击

  • To run multiple trials at the same time, under模式, 选择Simultaneous然后单击。如果没有当前并行池,则实验管理器使用默认群集配置文件开始一个。然后,实验经理根据可用的平行工人数量执行多个同时试验。为了获得最佳结果,在进行实验之前,请与GPU一样多的工人开始平行池。有关更多信息,请参阅使用实验经理并行培训网络释放的G金宝appPU支持(并行计算工具箱)

  • 卸载实验作为批处理工作,模式, 选择批处理顺序或者批量同时,指定您的游泳池尺寸, and click。有关更多信息,请参阅Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to Cluster




实验完成后,您可以使用列或过滤器试验对表进行排序过滤器窗格。You can also record observations by adding annotations to the results table. For more information, see排序,过滤和注释实验结果

要测试单个试验的性能,请导出训练有素的网络或试验的培训信息。在实验经理至olstrip, select出口>Trained Network或者出口>Training Information, 分别。有关更多信息,请参阅info。将结果表的内容保存为桌子array in the MATLAB workspace, select出口>结果表

To close the experiment, in the实验Browser窗格,右键单击项目的名称,然后选择关闭项目。实验经理closes all of the experiments and results contained in the project.

此示例显示了如何通过扫描超参数来使用实验模板进行图像回归。使用此模板,您可以快速设置一个内置训练实验,该实验使用trainNetwork功能。为了another example of solving a regression problem with Experiment Manager, see创建一个深度学习实验以进行回归。为了more information on an alternative strategy to sweeping hyperparameters, see通过使用贝叶斯优化的调音实验超参数

Open the example to load a project with a preconfigured experiment that you can inspect and run. To open the experiment, in the实验Browser窗格,双击实验名称(实验1).

Alternatively, you can configure the experiment yourself by following these steps.

1. Open Experiment Manager. A dialog box provides links to the getting started tutorials and your recent projects, as well as buttons to create a new project or open an example from the documentation.

2. Under新的, 选择项目。一个对话框列出了几个模板,这些模板支持工作流,包括图像分类,图像回归,序列分类,语义金宝app分割和自定义培训循环。

3.下图像回归实验, 选择图像回归通过清除超参数

4. Specify the name and location for the new project. Experiment Manager opens a new experiment in the project. The实验窗格显示定义实验的描述,超参数,设置功能和指标。


Regression to predict angles of rotation of digits, using various initial learning rates.

6. Under超参数, replace the value of肌杂型with0.001:0.001:0.006。验证这一点战略被设定为详尽的扫荡

7.下设置功能, 点击编辑。设置功能在MATLAB编辑器中打开。设置功能为实验指定培训数据,网络体系结构和培训选项。在此实验中,设置函数具有三个部分。

  • 负载培训数据defines the training and validation data for the experiment as 4-D arrays. The training and validation data each consist of 5000 images from the Digits data set. Each image shows a digit from 0 to 9, rotated by a certain angle. The regression values correspond to the angles of rotation. For more information on this data set, see图像数据集

  • 定义网络体系结构为简单的卷积神经网络定义了深度学习回归的体系结构。

  • Specify Training Options定义a训练实验的对象。在本实验中,设置函数从肌杂型在超参数表中输入。

当您运行实验,实验经理trains the network defined by the setup function six times. Each trial uses one of the learning rates specified in the hyperparameter table. By default, Experiment Manager runs one trial at a time. If you have Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can run multiple trials at the same time or offload your experiment as a batch job in a cluster.

  • 一次进行实验的一个试验,在实验管理器工具条上模式, 选择Sequential然后单击

  • To run multiple trials at the same time, under模式, 选择Simultaneous然后单击。如果没有当前并行池,则实验管理器使用默认群集配置文件开始一个。然后,实验经理根据可用的平行工人数量执行多个同时试验。为了获得最佳结果,在进行实验之前,请与GPU一样多的工人开始平行池。有关更多信息,请参阅使用实验经理并行培训网络释放的G金宝appPU支持(并行计算工具箱)

  • 卸载实验作为批处理工作,模式, 选择批处理顺序或者批量同时,指定您的游泳池尺寸, and click。有关更多信息,请参阅Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to Cluster



实验完成后,您可以使用列或过滤器试验对表进行排序过滤器窗格。You can also record observations by adding annotations to the results table. For more information, see排序,过滤和注释实验结果

要测试单个试验的性能,请导出训练有素的网络或试验的培训信息。在实验经理至olstrip, select出口>Trained Network或者出口>Training Information, 分别。有关更多信息,请参阅info。将结果表的内容保存为桌子array in the MATLAB workspace, select出口>结果表

To close the experiment, in the实验Browser窗格,右键单击项目的名称,然后选择关闭项目。实验经理closes all of the experiments and results contained in the project.


Open the example to load a project with a preconfigured experiment that you can inspect and run. To open the experiment, in the实验Browser窗格,双击实验名称(实验1).

Alternatively, you can configure the experiment yourself by following these steps.

1. Open Experiment Manager. A dialog box provides links to the getting started tutorials and your recent projects, as well as buttons to create a new project or open an example from the documentation.

2. Under新的, 选择项目。一个对话框列出了几个模板,这些模板支持工作流,包括图像分类,图像回归,序列分类,语义金宝app分割和自定义培训循环。

3.下图像分类实验, 选择使用自定义培训循环的图像分类

4. Select the location and name for a new project. Experiment Manager opens a new experiment in the project. The实验窗格显示定义实验的描述,超参数和训练功能。


Classification of digits, using various initial learning rates.

4.下超参数, replace the value of肌杂型with0.0025:0.0025:0.015。验证这一点战略被设定为详尽的扫荡

5. UnderTraining Function, 点击编辑。培训功能在MATLAB编辑器中打开。培训功能指定实验使用的培训数据,网络体系结构,培训选项和培训程序。在此实验中,训练功能有四个部分。

  • 负载培训数据将实验的训练数据定义为4-D阵列。该实验使用数字数据集,该数据集由5,000个28 x-28像素灰度图像从0到9组成,由它们代表的数字进行分类。有关此数据集的更多信息,请参阅图像数据集

  • 定义网络体系结构为简单的卷积神经网络定义用于深度学习分类的体系结构。要使用自定义培训循环训练网络,培训功能将网络表示为dlnetwork目的。

  • Specify Training Optionsdefines the training options used by the experiment. In this experiment, the training function loads the values for the initial learning rate from the肌杂型在超参数表中输入。

  • 火车模型定义实验使用的自定义训练循环。对于每个时期,自定义训练循环都会将数据调整并迭代微型数据。对于每个迷你批次,自定义培训循环评估模型梯度,状态和损失,确定基于时间的衰减学习率计划的学习率,并更新网络参数。为了跟踪训练的进度并记录训练损失的价值,培训功能使用实验objectmonitor


  • 一次进行实验的一个试验,在实验管理器工具条上模式, 选择Sequential然后单击

  • To run multiple trials at the same time, under模式, 选择Simultaneous然后单击。如果没有当前并行池,则实验管理器使用默认群集配置文件开始一个。然后,实验经理根据可用的平行工人数量执行多个同时试验。为了获得最佳结果,在进行实验之前,请与GPU一样多的工人开始平行池。有关更多信息,请参阅使用实验经理并行培训网络释放的G金宝appPU支持(并行计算工具箱)

  • 卸载实验作为批处理工作,模式, 选择批处理顺序或者批量同时,指定您的游泳池尺寸, and click。有关更多信息,请参阅Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to Cluster



实验完成后,您可以使用列或过滤器试验对表进行排序过滤器窗格。You can also record observations by adding annotations to the results table. For more information, see排序,过滤和注释实验结果

To test the performance of an individual trial, export the training output for the trial. On the实验经理至olstrip, select出口>Training Output。在本实验中,训练输出是包含训练损失和受过训练网络的值的结构。将结果表的内容保存为桌子array in the MATLAB workspace, select出口>结果表

To close the experiment, in the实验Browser窗格,右键单击项目的名称,然后选择关闭项目。实验经理closes all of the experiments and results contained in the project.





  • 要扫描一系列超参数值,请设置战略详尽的扫荡。在里面hyperparameter table, enter the names and values of the hyperparameters used in the experiment. Hyperparameter names must start with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores. Hyperparameter values must be scalars or vectors with numeric, logical, or string values, or cell arrays of character vectors. For example, these are valid hyperparameter specifications:

    • 0.01

    • 0.01:0.01:0.05

    • [0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08]

    • [“ sgdm”“ rmsprop”“ adam”]

    • {'squeezenet''googlenet''resnet18'}

    当您运行实验,实验经理trains the network using every combination of the hyperparameter values specified in the table.

  • 通过使用贝叶斯找到最佳的培训方案optimization, set战略贝叶斯优化。在超参数表中,指定实验中使用的超参数的这些特性:

    • 姓名- 输入有效的超参数名称。超参数名称必须以字母开头,然后是字母,数字或下划线。

    • 范围- 对于实数或整数值的超参数,请输入两元素矢量,该矢量给出了高参数的下限和上限。对于分类超参数,请输入列出超参数可能值的字符串或字符阵列。

    • 类型- 选择真实的(real-valued hyperparameter),整数(integer-valued hyperparameter), or分类(categorical hyperparameter).

    • 转换- 选择没有任何(no transform) or日志(对数变换)。为了日志,超参数必须是真实的或者整数和积极。使用此选项,搜索和建模超级参数。


    为了指定实验的持续时间,贝叶斯优化选项, enter the maximum time (in seconds) and the maximum number of trials to run. Note that the actual run time and number of trials in your experiment can exceed these settings because Experiment Manager checks these options only when a trial finishes executing.

    Bayesian optimization requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. For more information, see通过使用贝叶斯优化的调音实验超参数


实验的目标 设置功能签名
使用图像和响应指定的图像和回归任务训练网络进行图像分类和回归任务图片和the training options defined by选项
功能[images,layers,options] = Experiment_setup(params)...end
使用由指定的图像训练网络图片和回应specified by回应
功能[图像,响应,层,选项] = perveriment_setup(params)...end
功能[序列,层,选项] = perveriment_setup(params)...end
Train a network using the sequences specified bysequences和回应specified by回应
功能[序列,回报,层,选项] = perveriment_setup(params)...end
Train a network for feature classification or regression tasks (for example, a multilayer perceptron, or MLP, network) using the feature data and responses specified by特征
功能[features,layers,options] = Experiment_setup(params)...end
Train a network using the feature data specified by特征和回应specified by回应
功能[features,responses,layers,options] = Experiment_setup(params)...end


When writing your setup function, follow these guidelines:

  • 加载培训和验证数据通过使用绝对路径到达所有工人都可以访问的位置。

  • 对于包含批准层的网络,如果批处理规定培训选项是population, Experiment Manager displays final validation metric values that are often different from the validation metrics evaluated during training. The difference in values is the result of additional operations performed after the network finishes training. For more information, see批处理标准化层

  • 您可以用于实验的执行模式取决于您为培训选项指定的设置执行环境dispatchinbackground

    Execution Mode 有效设置执行环境 有效设置dispatchinbackground
    Sequential “汽车”,"cpu",“ GPU”,"multi-gpu",“平行” 真的,false
    Simultaneous “汽车”,"cpu",“ GPU” false
    批处理顺序 “汽车”,"cpu",“ GPU”,“平行” 真的,false
    批量同时 “汽车”,"cpu",“ GPU” false

    有关更多信息,请参阅使用实验经理并行培训网络Offload Experiments as Batch Jobs to Cluster


The output of a metric function must be a scalar number, a logical value, or a string.

If your experiment uses Bayesian optimization, select a metric to optimize from the优化列表。在里面Direction列表,指定您要最大化或者Minimize这个指标。实验经理使用此指标来确定实验中超参数的最佳组合。您可以从表中选择标准培训或验证指标(例如准确性,RMSE或损失)或桌面自定义指标。

此示例显示了如何使用实验管理器应用程序设置自定义培训实验。自定义培训实验支持需要培训功能的工作流程金宝apptrainNetwork。These workflows include:

  • 训练未由图层图定义的网络。

  • 使用自定义学习率计划培训网络。

  • 通过使用自定义功能更新网络的可学习参数。

  • 培训生成的对抗网络(GAN)。

  • 培训暹罗网络。




  • 要扫描一系列超参数值,请设置战略详尽的扫荡。在里面hyperparameter table, enter the names and values of the hyperparameters used in the experiment. Hyperparameter names must start with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores. Hyperparameter values must be scalars or vectors with numeric, logical, or string values, or cell arrays of character vectors. For example, these are valid hyperparameter specifications:

    • 0.01

    • 0.01:0.01:0.05

    • [0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08]

    • [“ sgdm”“ rmsprop”“ adam”]

    • {'squeezenet''googlenet''resnet18'}

    当您运行实验,实验经理trains the network using every combination of the hyperparameter values specified in the table.

  • 通过使用贝叶斯找到最佳的培训方案optimization, set战略贝叶斯优化。在超参数表中,指定实验中使用的超参数的这些特性:

    • 姓名- 输入有效的超参数名称。超参数名称必须以字母开头,然后是字母,数字或下划线。

    • 范围- 对于实数或整数值的超参数,请输入两元素矢量,该矢量给出了高参数的下限和上限。对于分类超参数,请输入列出超参数可能值的字符串或字符阵列。

    • 类型- 选择真实的(real-valued hyperparameter),整数(integer-valued hyperparameter), or分类(categorical hyperparameter).

    • 转换- 选择没有任何(no transform) or日志(对数变换)。为了日志,超参数必须是真实的或者整数和积极。使用此选项,搜索和建模超级参数。


    为了指定实验的持续时间,贝叶斯优化选项, enter the maximum time (in seconds) and the maximum number of trials to run. Note that the actual run time and number of trials in your experiment can exceed these settings because Experiment Manager checks these options only when a trial finishes executing.

    Bayesian optimization requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. For more information, seeUse Bayesian Optimization in Custom Training Experiments

TheTraining Functionspecifies the training data, network architecture, training options, and training procedure used by the experiment. The inputs to the training function are:

  • 来自高参数表的字段的结构

  • An实验您可以使用的对象来跟踪培训的进度,更新结果表中的信息字段,记录培训指标的值以及生产培训图

实验经理saves the output of the training function, so you can export it to the MATLAB workspace when the training is complete.



  • 加载培训和验证数据通过使用绝对路径到达所有工人都可以访问的位置。

  • 信息和度量列都在实验的结果表中显示数值。另外,将度量值记录在训练图中。使用信息列以用于要在结果表中显示的值,而不是在培训图中显示。

如果您的实验使用贝叶斯优化,则Metrics部分,下优化,输入以优化的度量标准的名称。在里面Direction列表,指定您要最大化或者Minimize这个指标。实验经理使用此指标来确定实验中超参数的最佳组合。您可以选择使用该指标的任何度量实验object for the training function.


  • Stop将任何运行试验标记为停了下来并保存他们的结果。当实验停止时,您可以显示训练图并导出这些试验的训练输出。

  • Cancel将任何运行试验标记为Canceled并放弃他们的结果。当实验停止时,您无法显示训练图或导出这些试验的训练输出。


Instead of stopping an experiment, you can stop an individual trial that is running or cancel an individual queued trial. In theActions结果表的列,单击“停止”按钮或取消按钮对于试验。


培训完成后,您可以重新启动您停止或取消的试验。在里面Actionscolumn of the results table, click the Restart button对于试验。

Results table showing Restart icon for a running trial.

Alternatively, to restart all the trials that you canceled, in the Experiment Manager toolstrip, clickRestart All Canceled


Stop, cancel, and restart options are not available for all experiment types, strategies, or execution modes.



To sort the trials in the results table, use the drop-down list for the column corresponding to a training or validation metric.

  1. 指向您要排序的列的标题。

  2. 单击三角图标。

  3. 选择按顺序排序或者Sort in Descending Order

    Results table showing drop down list for the Validation RMSE column.

要从结果表过滤试验,请使用过滤器窗格。该窗格显示了结果表中数字指标的直方图。从过滤器pane, in the results table, open the drop-down list for the corresponding column and clear theShow Filter复选框。

  1. 实验经理至olstrip, select过滤器

  2. Adjust the sliders under the histogram for the training or validation metric by which you want to filter.

    Histogram for Validation RMSE, with filter sliders set to 10.5 and 12.5.

    The results table shows only the trials with a metric value in the selected range.

    Results table showing only trials with Validation RMSE between 10.5 ans 12.5.

  3. To restore all of the trials in the results table, close the实验Result窗格并重新打开了实验Browser窗格。


  1. Right-click a cell in the results table and selectAdd Annotation。或者,在结果表中选择一个单元格,然后在实验管理器工具条上选择一个单元格Annotations>Add Annotation


  2. 在里面Annotations窗格,在文本框中输入您的观察值。您可以在结果表中为每个单元格添加多个注释。

    Annotation text says,

  3. 要突出显示与注释相对应的单元格,请单击注释上方的链接。

要分类注释,请使用Sort By下拉列表。您可以按创建时间或试用号码进行排序。


To delete an annotation, click the delete button在注释的右边。


After you run an experiment, you can open the实验来源窗格查看实验说明和超参数表的仅阅读副本,以及与实验使用的所有功能的链接。您可以使用此窗格中的信息来跟踪产生每个结果的数据,网络和培训选项的配置。

为了instance, suppose that you run an experiment multiple times. Each time that you run the experiment, you change the contents of the setup function but always use the same function name. The first time that you run the experiment, you use the default network provided by the experiment template for image classification. The second time that you run the experiment, you modify the setup function to load a pretrained GoogLeNet network, replacing the final layers with new layers for transfer learning. For an example that uses these two network architectures, see创建一个深度学习实验进行分类




Related Examples


Version History

Introduced in R2020a