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3-D rigid geometric transformation


Arigid3dobject stores information about a 3-D rigid geometric transformation and enables forward and inverse transformations.



tform = rigid3dcreates a defaultrigid3dobject that corresponds to an identity transformation.

tform = rigid3d(t)creates arigid3dobject based on a specified forward rigid transformation matrix,t. Thetinput sets theTproperty.


tform = rigid3d(rot,trans)creates arigid3dobject based on the rotation,rot, and translation,trans, components of the transformation.rotsets theRotationproperty.transsets theTranslationproperty.


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Forward rigid transformation, specified as a 4-by-4 numeric matrix. This matrix must be a homogeneous transformation matrix that satisfies the post-multiply convention given by:

[ x y z 1 ] = [ u v w 1 ] * T

Thas the form

[ r 11 r 12 r 13 0 ; ... r 21 r 22 r 23 0 ; ... r 31 r 32 r 33 0 ; ... t x t y t z 1 ] ;

Data Types:single|double

This property is read-only.

Dimensionality of the geometric transformation, specified as a positive integer.

Rotation component of the transformation, specified as a 3-by-3 numeric matrix. This rotation matrix satisfies the post-multiply convention given by

[ x y z ] = [ u v w ] * R

Data Types:single|double

Translation component of the transformation, specified as a 3-element numeric row vector. This translation vector satisfies the convention given by

[ x y z ] = [ u v w ] + t

Data Types:single|double

Object Functions

invert 逆几何transformation
outputLimits Find output spatial limits given input spatial limits
transformPointsForward Apply forward geometric transformation
transformPointsInverse Apply inverse geometric transformation


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Specify an angle of rotation in degrees and create a 3-by-3 rotation matrix.

theta = 30; rot = [ cosd(theta) sind(theta) 0;...-sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0;...0 0 1];

Specify the amount of horizontal, vertical, and depthwise translation, respectively.

反式= (2 3 4);

创建一个rigid3dobject that performs the rotation and translation.

tform = rigid3d(rot,trans)
tform = rigid3d with properties: Rotation: [3x3 double] Translation: [2 3 4]

Version History

Introduced in R2020a