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Descriptive Statistics

Range, central tendency, standard deviation, variance, correlation

Descriptive statistics quantitatively describe features of a sample of data, such as the basic mean or standard deviation. Cumulative methods report a statistic as you move through the elements of an array. Moving methods report a statistic within a local window of array elements, then move to the next window.


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min Minimum elements of an array
mink Findksmallest elements of array
max Maximum elements of an array
maxk Findk最大的数组元素
bounds Minimum and maximum values of an array
topkrows Top rows in sorted order
mean Average or mean value of array
median Median value of array
mode Most frequent values in array
std Standard deviation
var Variance
iqr Interquartile range of data set
quantile Quantiles of data set
prctile Percentiles of data set
rms Root-mean-square value
corrcoef Correlation coefficients
cov Covariance
xcorr Cross-correlation
xcov Cross-covariance
cummax Cumulative maximum
cummin Cumulative minimum
movmad Moving median absolute deviation
movmax Moving maximum
movmean Moving mean
movmedian Moving median
movmin Moving minimum
movprod Moving product
movstd Moving standard deviation
movsum Moving sum
movvar Moving variance
