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Parquet Files

Read and write Parquet files

Parquet file format supports very efficient compression and encoding of column oriented data. This format enables compression schemes to be specified on a per-column level allowing efficient compression and encoding of data. To read and write Parquet files in MATLAB®, use theparquetreadandparquetwritefunctions. To read a collection of Parquet files, useParquetDatastore. To conditionally filter and read data faster (Predicate Pushdown) from Parquet files,

For more information on the Parquet file format, see


parquetread 柱状镶花的数据文件中读取
parquetwrite Write columnar data to Parquet file
parquetinfo Get information about Parquet file
parquetDatastore Datastore for collection of Parquet files

Objets Selectively import rows of interest
