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For more information on DQN agents, see深Q网络代理。For an example that trains a DQN agent in MATLAB®, see训练DQN代理以平衡卡车孔系统

Pendulum Swing-up Model



mdl ='rlSimplePendulumModel'; open_system(mdl)


  • 向上的巴兰ced pendulum position is 0 radians, and the downward hanging position ispiradians.

  • 从试剂到环境的扭矩动作信号为–2至2 n·m。

  • 来自环境的观察结果是摆角的正弦,摆角的余弦和摆角衍生物。

  • 奖励 r t ,在每个时间步中提供的是

r t = - (( θ t 2 + 0 1 θ t - 2 + 0 001 t - 1 2


  • θ t 是从直立位置的位移角度。

  • θ t - is the derivative of the displacement angle.

  • t - 1 是前一个时间步骤的控制工作。

For more information on this model, seeLoad Predefined Simulink Environments


Create a predefined environment interface for the pendulum.

env = rlpredefinedenv(“简单的Pendulummodel-Discrete”
env = SimulinkEnvWithAgent with properties: Model : rlSimplePendulumModel AgentBlock : rlSimplePendulumModel/RL Agent ResetFcn : [] UseFastRestart : on

该界面具有离散的动作空间,代理可以将三个可能的扭矩值之一应用于摆:–2、0或2 n·m。


env.Resetfcn = @(in)setVariable(in,'theta0',,,,pi,'Workspace',,,,mdl);

Get the observation and action specification information from the environment

obsInfo = getObservationInfo (env)
obsInfo = rlnumericspec具有属性:lowerlimit:-inf upperlimit:inf name:“观察”描述:[0x0字符串]维度:[3 1] datatype:“ double”
actinfo = getActioninfo(env)
actInfo = rlFiniteSetSpec with properties: Elements: [3x1 double] Name: "torque" Description: [0x0 string] Dimension: [1 1] DataType: "double"

Specify the simulation timeTFand the agent sample timeTS片刻之间。

TS = 0.05;TF = 20;

Fix the random generator seed for reproducibility.




Since DQN has a discrete action space, it can rely on a multi-output critic approximator, which is generally a more efficient option than relying on a comparable single-output approximator. A multi-output approximator has only the observation as input and an output vector having as many elements as the number of possible discrete actions. Each output element represents the expected cumulative long-term reward following from the observation given as input, when the corresponding discrete action is taken.

To create the critic, first create a deep neural network with an input vector of three elements ( for the sine, cosine, and derivative of the pendulum angle) and one output vector with three elements (–2, 0, or 2 Nm actions). For more information on creating a deep neural network value function representation, see创建策略和价值功能

dnn = [featurenputlayer(3,'正常化',,,,'没有任何',,,,'姓名',,,,'state')fullyConnectedLayer(24,'姓名',,,,'CriticStateFC1')relulayer('姓名',,,,'CriticRelu1')fullyConnectedLayer(48,'姓名',,,,'CriticStateFC2')relulayer('姓名',,,,'CriticCommonRelu')完整连接的layer(3,'姓名',,,,'输出');dnn = dlnetwork(dnn);




Specify options for the critic optimizer usingrloptimizerOptions

评论家= rloptimizeroptions(“学习率”,0.001,'GradientThreshold',,,,1);


critic = rlVectorQValueFunction(dnn,obsInfo,actInfo);


agentOptions = rlDQNAgentOptions(...'SampleTime',,,,TS,,,,...'CriticOptimizerOptions',,,,criticOpts,...“ ExperienceBufferLength”,,,,3000,...“二手rubedqn”,,,,错误的);

Then, create the DQN agent using the specified critic representation and agent options. For more information, seerlDQNAgent

agent = rldqnagent(评论家,代理);


To train the agent, first specify the training options. For this example, use the following options.

  • Run each training for at most 1000 episodes, with each episode lasting at most500时间步骤。

  • 在“情节经理”对话框中显示培训进度(设置情节选项)并禁用命令行显示(设置Verboseoption to错误的)。

  • Stop training when the agent receives an average cumulative reward greater than –1100 over five consecutive episodes. At this point, the agent can quickly balance the pendulum in the upright position using minimal control effort.

  • 为每个情节保存代理的副本,累积奖励大于–1100。


火车ingOptions = rlTrainingOptions(...'MaxEpisodes',1000,...'MaxStepsPerEpisode',500,...“ ScoreaveragingWindowLength”,,,,5,...'Verbose',,,,错误的,,,,...“绘图”,,,,“训练过程”,,,,...“停止训练有素”,,,,“平均”,,,,...'StopTrainingValue',-1100,...“ saveagentCriteria',,,,“ epipodereward',,,,...“ saveagentvalue”,,,,-1100);

Train the agent using the火车function. Training this agent is a computationally intensive process that takes several minutes to complete. To save time while running this example, load a pretrained agent by settingdotraining错误的。To train the agent yourself, setdotrainingtr你e

dotraining=错误的;如果dotraining%训练代理。triendstats = train(代理,环境,培训);别的%为示例加载预验证的代理。加载('金宝appsimulinkpendulumdqnmulti.mat',,,,'代理人');结尾

Simulate DQN Agent


SIMOptions = rlSimulationOptions('MaxSteps',500);经验= SIM(Env,代理,SimOptions);



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