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Weighted Nonlinear Regression




We'll use data collected to study water pollution caused by industrial and domestic waste. These data are described in detail in Box, G.P., W.G. Hunter, and J.S. Hunter, Statistics for Experimenters (Wiley, 1978, pp. 483-487). The response variable is biochemical oxygen demand in mg/l, and the predictor variable is incubation time in days.

x = [1 2 3 5 7 10]';y = [109 149 149 191 213 224]';情节(x,y,'ko')xlabel('Incubation (days), x')ylabel('Biochemical oxygen demand (mg/l), y'

图包含一个轴对象。这axes object contains an object of type line.


w = [1 1 5 5 5 5]';

Fit the Model without Weights


modelFun = @(b,x) b(1).*(1-exp(-b(2).*x));

仅基于粗糙的视觉拟合,看来通过点绘制的曲线可能会在X = 15附近的某个地方的240个值中升级。因此,我们将使用240作为B1的起始值,并且由于e^( - 。5*15)与1相比小,我们将.5用作B2的起始值。

开始= [240;.5];

这danger in ignoring measurement error is that the fit may be overly influenced by imprecise measurements, and may therefore not provide a good fit to measurements that are known precisely. Let's fit the data without weights and compare it to the points.

nlm = fitnlm(x,y,modelFun,start); xx = linspace(0,12)'; line(xx,predict(nlm,xx),'linestyle',,,,'--',,,,'颜色',,,,'k'

图包含一个轴对象。这axes object contains 2 objects of type line.

Notice that the fitted curve is pulled toward the first two points, but seems to miss the trend of the other points.


Let's try repeating the fit using weights.

wnlm = fitnlm(x,y,modelfun,start,'Weight',,,,w)
wnlm = Nonlinear regression model: y ~ b1*(1 - exp( - b2*x)) Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ ________ ______ __________ b1 225.17 10.7 21.045 3.0134e-05 b2 0.40078 0.064296 6.2333 0.0033745 Number of observations: 6,误差自由度:4根平方误差:24 R平方:0.908,调整后的R平方0.885 F统计与零模型:696,p-value = 8.2e-06



ANS = 24.0096


ans =2×2195.4650 254.8788 0.2223 0.5793

Estimate the Response Curve

Next, we'll compute the fitted response values and confidence intervals for them. By default, those widths are for pointwise confidence bounds for the predicted value, but we will request simultaneous intervals for the entire curve.

[ypred,ypredci] = predict(wnlm,xx,'Simultaneous',真的);情节(x,y,'ko',xx,ypred,'b-',,,,xx,ypredci,'r:')xlabel('x')ylabel('y')ylim([-150 350]) legend({'Data',,,,'Weighted fit',,,,'95% Confidence Limits'},...'location',,,,'SouthEast'


Notice that the two downweighted points are not fit as well by the curve as the remaining points. That's as you would expect for a weighted fit.

It's also possible to estimate prediction intervals for future observations at specified values of x. Those intervals will in effect assume a weight, or measurement precision, of 1.

[ypred,ypredci] = predict(wnlm,xx,'Simultaneous',真的,...'Prediction',,,,'observation'); plot(x,y,'ko',xx,ypred,'b-',,,,xx,ypredci,'r:')xlabel('x')ylabel('y')ylim([-150 350]) legend({'Data',,,,'Weighted fit',,,,'95%的预测限制'},...'location',,,,'SouthEast'

图包含一个轴对象。轴对象包含4个类型行的对象。这se objects represent Data, Weighted fit, 95% Prediction Limits.


Suppose we are interested in a new observation that is based on the average of five measurements, just like the last four points in this plot. Specify observation weights by using the权重name-value argument of thepredictfunction.

[new_ypred,new_ypredci] = predict(wnlm,xx,'Simultaneous',真的,...'Prediction',,,,'observation',,,,“重量”,,,,5*ones(size(xx))); plot(x,y,'ko',,,,xx,new_ypred,'b-',,,,xx,new_ypredci,'r:')xlabel('x')ylabel('y')ylim([-150 350]) legend({'Data',,,,'Weighted fit',,,,'95%的预测限制'},...'location',,,,'SouthEast'

图包含一个轴对象。轴对象包含4个类型行的对象。这se objects represent Data, Weighted fit, 95% Prediction Limits.

predictfunction estimates the error variance at observation一世经过MSE*(1/W(i)),,,,whereMSE一世s the mean squared error. Therefore, the confidence intervals become narrow.



r = wnlm.Residuals.Standardized; plot(x,r,'b^')xlabel('x')ylabel('Standardized Residuals'

图包含一个轴对象。这axes object contains an object of type line.


