

此示例显示了如何使用BioinFormatics Toolbox™与图形一起使用和远程化图形。

从图理论意义上讲,图是表示对象之间的连接或关系的一种数学方式。生物信息学中有许多应用程序,其中理解对象之间的关系非常重要。这些应用包括系统发育分析,蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用,途径分析等等。生物信息学工具箱提供了一组通用功能,用于使用和可视化图。

Creating a Graph from a SimBiology® Model



There are two variables:g, a sparse matrix, and名称, a list of the names of the nodes of the graph.

名称大小字节类属性G 65x65 2544双稀疏名称65x1 8340单元格

If you have SimBiology you can create the graph using the following commands:

%sbioloadproject振荡器% class(m1)%现在获取邻接矩阵%[g,names] = getAdjacencyMatrix(M1);


There are many functions in MATLAB® for working with sparse matrices. The间谍function displays as * wherever there is a non-zero element of the matrix.


This gives some indication of the number of edges of the graph and also shows that the graph is not symmetric and, hence, is a directed graph. However, it is difficult to visualize what is going on. Thebiograph对象代表一个图表的另一种方式在Bioinformatics Toolbox.

gObj = biograph(g,names)
Biograph object with 65 nodes and 123 edges.


gObj = view(gObj);

You can interact with the graph using the mouse. You can also programmatically modify the way that the graph is displayed.

% find the nodes pA, pB, and pCpANode = find(strcmp('pA', names)); pBNode = find(strcmp('pB',names)); pCNode = find(strcmp('个人电脑', names));这些红色,绿色和蓝色颜色为%gobj.nodes(panode).color = [1 0 0];gobj.nodes(panode).size = [40 30];gobj.nodes(pbnode).color = [0 1 0];gobj.nodes(pbnode).size = [40 30];gobj.nodes(pcNode).color = [0 0 1];gobj.nodes(pcNode).size = [40 30];dolayout(gobj);


生物信息学工具箱中有几个功能用于使用图形。这些包括GraphShortestPath,找到两个节点之间的最短路径,Graphisspantree, which checks if a graph is a spanning tree, andgraphisdag, which checks if a graph is a directed acyclic graph.

ans = 0

There are also corresponding methods of the biograph object. These have names similar to the functions for working with sparse matrices but without the prefix 'graph'.

ans = 0



[dist,path,pred] =短路路径(gobj,panode,pcnode);


set(gObj.Nodes(path),'颜色',[1 0.4 0.4]) edges = getedgesbynodeid(gObj,get(gObj.Nodes(path),'ID')); set(edges,'linecolor',[1 0 0])设置(边缘,'LineWidth',1.5)

您可以使用allshortestpathsto calculate the shortest paths from each node to all other nodes.

allshortest = allshortestpath(gobj);

A heatmap of these distances shows some interesting patterns.

imagesc(allShortest) colormap(pink); colorbar title('All Shortest Paths for Oscillator Model');

Traversing the Graph

Another common problem with graphs is finding an efficient way to traverse a graph by moving between adjacent nodes. The遍历方法默认使用深度优先搜索,但您也可以选择使用广度优先搜索。

顺序= traverse(Gobj,Panode);


替代路径=订单(1:find(order == pcNode));set(gobj.nodes(备用路径),'颜色',[0.4 0.4 1]) edges = getedgesbynodeid(gObj,get(gObj.Nodes(alternatePath),'ID')); set(edges,'linecolor',[0 0 1])设置(边缘,'LineWidth',1.5)


The oscillator model is cyclic with pA, pB, and pC all connected. The methodConncompfinds connected components. A strongly connected component of a graph is a maximal group of nodes that are mutually reachable without violating the edge directions. You can use theConncomp确定哪些节点不是主要周期的一部分的方法。

[s,c] = conncomp(gobj);% Mark the nodes for each component with different colorcolors = flipud(jet(S));fori = 1:numel(gobj.nodes)gobj.nodes(i).color =颜色(c(i),:);end


Simulating Knocking Out a Reaction

In biological pathways it is common to find that while some reactions are essential to the survival of the behavior of the pathway, others are not. You can use the sparse graph representation of the pathway to investigate whether Reaction1 and Reaction2 in the model are essential to the survival of the oscillatory properties.

Find the nodes in which you are interested.

r1Node = find(strcmp('Reaction1', names)); r2Node = find(strcmp('Reaction2', names));


gNoR1 = g; gNoR1(r1Node,:) = 0; gNoR1(:,r1Node) = 0; gNoR2 = g; gNoR2(r2Node,:) = 0; gNoR2(:,r2Node) = 0;


distNoR2CA = graphshortestpath(gNoR2,pCNode,pANode) distNoR2AC = graphshortestpath(gNoR2,pANode,pCNode)% Display the graph from which Reaction2 was removed.gNoR2Obj = view(biograph(gNoR2,names)); [S,C] = conncomp(gNoR2Obj);% Mark the nodes for each component with different colorcolors = flipud(jet(S));fori = 1:numel(gNoR2Obj.nodes) gNoR2Obj.Nodes(i).Color = colors(C(i),:);end
distnor2ca = 10 distnor2ac = 14

However, in the case where we remove Reaction1, there is no longer a path from pC back to pA.

DistNor1ac = GraphShortestPath(GNOR1,PANODE,PCNODE)DISTNOR1CA = GraphShortestPath(GNOR1,PCNODE,PANODE)
distNoR1AC = 14 distNoR1CA = Inf

When you visualize the graph from which Reaction1 was removed you will see a significant change in the structure of the graph.

%显示去除反应1的图。gNoR1Obj = view(biograph(gNoR1,names)); [S,C] = conncomp(gNoR1Obj);% Mark the nodes for each component with different colorcolors = flipud(jet(S));fori = 1:numel(gNoR1Obj.nodes) gNoR1Obj.Nodes(i).Color = colors(C(i),:);end


[1] Elowitz,M.B和Leibler,S。,“转录调节器的合成振荡网络”,《自然》,403(6767):335-8,2000。
