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Navigate to model objects using unique Requirements Management Interface identifiers


rmiobjnavigate(modelPath, guId)
rmiobjnavigate(modelPath, guId, grpNum)


rmiobjnavigate(modelPath,guId)navigates to and highlights the specified object in a Simulink®model.

rmiobjnavigate(modelPath,guId,grpNum)navigates to the signal group numbergrpNumof aSignal Builderblock identified byguIdin the modelmodelPath.

Input Arguments


A full path to a Simulink model file, or a Simulink model file name that can be resolved on the MATLAB®path.


A unique identifier that the RMI uses to identify a Simulink or Stateflow®object.


Integer indicating a signal group number in aSignal Builderblock


Open theslvnvdemo_fuelsys_officereqexample model and get the unique identifier for theMAP Sensorblock:

% Open example model slvnvdemo_fuelsys_officereq; % Get the Ssession Independent Identifier of the MAP Sensor Block targetSID = Simulink.ID.getSID('slvnvdemo_fuelsys_officereq/MAP sensor');

导航到MAP Sensorblock usingrmiobjnavigateand the unique identifier returned in the previous step:

% Split targetSID into two components [targetModel, targetObj] = strtok(targetSID,':'); % Navigate to the MAP sensor using the model name and model guID rmiobjnavigate(targetModel, targetObj)

Version History

Introduced in R2010b