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xcp.A2L Properties

Properties of thexcp.A2Lfile object

Use the following properties to examinexcp.A2Lfile object settings. UsexcpA2Lto create an A2L-file object.


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TheFileNameproperty displays the name of the referenced A2L file as a character vector.

Data Types:char

TheFilePathproperty displays the full file path to the A2L file, including the A2L-file name, as a character vector.

Data Types:char

TheServerNameproperty displays the name of the server node as specified in the A2L file, as a character vector.

Data Types:char

Stores warnings thrown by the A2L file parser.

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l'); a2lfile.Warnings
ans = 0×0 empty string array

Data Types:string

Event names, returned as a cell array of character vectors. For example:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l'); a2lfile.Events
ans = 1×6 cell array {'Key T'} {'10 ms'} {'100ms'} {'1ms'} {'FilterBypassDaq'} {'FilterBypassSt'}

Data Types:cell

Event information, returned as an array ofxcp.Eventobjects. For example:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');ei = a2lfile.EventInfo(1)
ei = Event with properties: Name: 'Key T' Direction: 'DAQ' MaxDAQList: 255 ChannelNumber: 0 ChannelTimeCycle: 0 ChannelTimeUnit: 6 ChannelPriority: 0 ChannelTimeCycleInSeconds: 0

Data Types:xcp.Event

Measurement names, returned as a cell array of character vectors. For example:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');a2lfile.Measurements(10:15)
ans = 1×6 cell array {'FW1'} {'KL1Output'} {'MaxChannel1'} {'MinChannel1'} {'PWM'} {'PWMFiltered'}

Data Types:cell

Measurement information, returned as a Map object. For example:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');mi = a2lfile.MeasurementInfo
mi = Map with properties: Count: 45 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

Names of characteristics, returned as a cell array of character vectors. For example:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');a2lfile.Characteristics(10:15)
ans = 1×6 cell array {'a0'} {'b0'} {'c0'} {'map1'} {'map1Counter'} {'map4_80_uc'}

Data Types:cell

Characteristic information, returned as aMap对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');ci = a2lfile.CharacteristicInfo
ci = Map with properties: Count: 16 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

Axis information, returned as aMap对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');ai = a2lfile.AxisInfo
ai = Map with properties: Count: 1 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

Container for characteristic objects, returned as acontainers.Map对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');rl = a2lfile.RecordLayouts
rl = Map with properties: Count: 41 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

容器对象计算方法,受潮湿腐烂urned as acontainers.Map对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');cm = a2lfile.CompuMethods
cm = Map with properties: Count: 16 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

Container for ComputationTAB (conversion table) method objects used forinterp,受潮湿腐烂urned as acontainers.Map对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');ct = a2lfile.CompuTabs
ct = Map with properties: Count: 0 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

Container for ComputationVTAB (verbal conversion table) method objects used forenum,受潮湿腐烂urned as acontainers.Map对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');cvt = a2lfile.CompuVTabs
cvt = Map with properties: Count: 2 KeyType: char ValueType: any

Data Types:containers.Map

TheProtocolLayerInfoproperty displays anxcp.ProtocolLayerInfoobject containing general information about the XCP protocol implementation of the server as defined in the A2L file. For example:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');pli = a2lfile.ProtocolLayerInfo
pli = ProtocolLayerInfo with properties: AddressGranularity: 'ADDRESS_GRANULARITY_BYTE' ByteOrder: 'BYTE_ORDER_MSB_LAST' MaxCTO: 8 MaxDTO: 8 T1: 1000 T2: 200 T3: 0 T4: 0 T5: 0 T6: 0 T7: 0

Data Types:xcp.ProtocolLayerInfo

DAQ related information, returned as aDAQInfo对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');di = a2lfile。DAQInfo
di = DAQInfo with properties: AddressExtension: 'ADDRESS_EXTENSION_FREE' ConfigType: 'DYNAMIC' GranularityODTEntrySizeDAQ: 'GRANULARITY_ODT_ENTRY_SIZE_DAQ_BYTE' IdentificationFieldType: 'IDENTIFICATION_FIELD_TYPE_ABSOLUTE' MaxDAQ: 0 MaxEventChannels: 6 MaxODTEntrySizeDAQ: 7 MinDAQ: 0 OptimizationType: 'OPTIMISATION_TYPE_DEFAULT' OverloadIndication: 'OVERLOAD_INDICATION_PID' STIM: [1×1 struct] PrescalerSupported: 'PRESCALER_SUPPORTED' ResumeSupported: 'RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED' Timestamp: [1×1 struct]

Data Types:xcp.DAQInfo

CAN specific transport layer information, returned as anXCPonCAN对象。For example,

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');tlci = a2lfile.TransportLayerCANInfo
tlci = XCPonCAN with properties: CommonParameters: [1×1 xcp.a2l.CommonParameters] TransportLayerInstance: '' CANIDBroadcast: [] CANIDClient: 1 CANIDClientIsExtended: 0 CANIDServer: 2 CANIDServerIsExtended: 0 BaudRate: 500000 SamplePoint: 62 SampleRate: SINGLE BTLCycles: 8 SJW: 1 SyncEdge: SINGLE MaxDLCRequired: [] MaxBusLoad: [] MeasurementSplitAllowed: [] CANFD: [1×0 xcp.a2l.CANFD] OptionalTLSubCmd: [0×0 xcp.a2l.OptionalCANTLSubCmd]

Data Types:xcp.XCPonCAN

UDP transport layer information, returned as anXCPonIP对象。例如:

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');tlui = a2lfile.TransportLayerUDPInfo
tlui = XCPonIP with properties: CommonParameters: [1×1 xcp.a2l.CommonParameters] TransportLayerInstance: '' Port: 5555 Address: 2.1307e+09 AddressString: ''

Data Types:xcp.XCPonIP

TCP transport layer information, returned as aXCPonIP对象。

a2lfile = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l');tlti = a2lfile.TransportLayerTCPInfo
tlti = 0×0 XCPonIP array with properties: CommonParameters TransportLayerInstance Port Address AddressString

Data Types:xcp.XCPonIP

Version History

Introduced in R2013a