

当jesús罗梅罗,主导科学家TAE Technologies,是一个孩子,他的父亲每周日常常带回家。里面是包括谜题的孩子的一份小报纸。谜题往往是迷宫,目标是帮助动漫动画片通过各种“危险”找到正确的途径即将到底达到奖品。Romero很快认识到,如果您在最后开始并向后方工作,更容易解决难题。他把这个故事称为建筑,以描述加利福尼亚州的跆拳道入口的海报。海报采用该公司的延迟技术联合创始人,诺曼·罗斯特,在牛仔帽,以及一句话:“我们始终开始结束。”


Tae所考虑的结束是安全的核融合力。Fusion Power是许多人几十年来努力的目标。但是,实现陆地融合的时间表主要取决于赶上科学的技术,现在正在呈指数加速。一旦实现,融合将提供廉价,绿色,几乎无穷无尽的能量和变革社会。

Existing nuclear power plants use fission, the splitting of atoms. In fusion, atoms are forced to join. It’s a much harder task but releases much more energy. Stars, including the sun, are powered by nuclear fusion. Fusion energy creates no air pollution, comes without the threat of nuclear meltdown, has zero greenhouse gas emissions, and doesn’t create long-term radioactive waste.



The prevailing approach fuses two types of hydrogen atoms: deuterium, which has one proton and one neutron in the nucleus, and tritium, which has one proton and two neutrons. Protons are positively charged and repel each other. Fusion requires enough pressure and heat for them to collide at high speed. The heat needed, on the order of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius,足以融化可能含有等离子体 - 一种电离气体的东西,其中电子和核自主体飞行。强磁场用于将等离子体置于反应器内,远离墙壁。


TAE团队意识到有一种不同的方式。他们开始结束:真正安全的反应堆是什么样的?他们得出结论,唯一的答案是使用氢硼融合。这种反应仅发出三个氦核,也称为α粒子 - 因此,TAE的原始名称,TRIα能量和X射线,可以通过加热金属板引起液体CO来产生电力。2蒸发并驱动涡轮机。


Rostoker, who was a physics professor at the University of California, Irvine; his student Michl Binderbauer; and everyone involved in the early days of the company began tackling the problem in the early 1990s, founding TAE in 1998. Binderbauer is now the company’s CEO. TAE has applied for or received more than 1,400 patents and received more than $750 million in venture capital. They’ve run more than 100,000 experiments and now employ about 200 people from over 30 countries. They’re currently on their fifth-generation experimental reactor, named Norman, after the late Rostoker.

TAE’s fusion platform is a field-reversed configuration (FRC), a straight 20-meter-long tube surrounded by circular magnets. Gas is fired at high speed from each end. TAE plans to eventually use a mixture of hydrogen and boron, but until they reach sufficient temperatures, they’re using hydrogen and deuterium.

流碰撞并合并并开始旋转。在中央室射击中性粒子外 - 氘 - 在等离子体上的一组八个加速度梁,使其加热并保持其旋转。当等离子体旋转时,它会产生自己的磁场,有助于保持它。

When two particles fly past each other, their chance of hitting head-on and fusing is very slim. That’s why the reactor keeps the plasma contained and circulating. “It gives the particles a greater probability of a collision,” Romero says. The problem is that the plasma is unstable and wants to diffuse.





Norman uses seven FPGA-based modules for sensing and control. Four acquisition modules receive input from the sensors and condense the information to 20 numbers that describe the current state of the plasma, which they send to a communications module. This then sends the information to two control modules, which decide how to adjust to the plasma’s state and pass their signals on to the magnets. The FPGAs were all programmed with MATLAB®和模拟金宝app®


“我一直在设计FPGA三十年,并让他们跑得那么快,这是一个挑战,”MathWorks的技术顾问Jonathan Young说。



耶稣罗梅罗,Tee Technologies的主要科学家

The ability to frequently modify the reactor enables TAE to make rapid operational adjustments and quickly incorporate new ideas. Image credit: TAE


采集和控制模块由设计设计speedgoat.使用Xilinx.®FPGAs. “We’ve never had such a huge setup,” says Patrick Herzig, head of FPGA technologies at Speedgoat. Whereas Norman uses seven modules, a typical project uses one. And TAE is looking to include diagnostic signals from more than just the magnetic sensors.

Romero says, “We’re extending the tentacles to control more and more things, such as plasma density. We’re basically writing the book about FRC control as we go.”




TAE’s state-of-the-art control room. Image credit: TAE

现在已经证明他们可以积极控制等离子体。他们还证明了实验刻度 - 随着它们增加了更多的功率,温度不是高原。关于可能的最困难的问题已得到解答。只是为了发现潜在的想法不起作用,“我们相信我们称之为”失败 - 首先“,”罗梅罗说。“延迟Showstopper直到结束并没有意义。”

TAE的下一个融合设备,哥白尼目前正在开发中。它是一种反应堆级平台,旨在以约1亿摄氏度操作,围绕氘氚融合所需的相同温度(但是,Copernicus不会被氚燃料)。然后,TAE计划构建一个名为Da Vinci的最终原型,以证明氢硼燃料循环的净能量增益,这意味着反应可以产生比放入其中的更高的能量。


耶稣罗梅罗,Tee Technologies的主要科学家

运行一个简单的试验所需的权力是密苏里州re than is allocated to commercial office space, so TAE has had to become expert at power management, storing and deploying power strategically. They’re now in talks to commercialize these innovations. The end they have in mind lies beyond a fusion power reactor.


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