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Convert rotation angles to direction cosine matrix



dcm= angle2dcm(rotationAng1,rotationAng2,rotationAng3)calculates the direction cosine matrixdcmgiven three sets of rotation angles,rotationAng1,rotationAng2, androtationAng3, specifying yaw, pitch, and roll. The rotation used in this function is a passive transformation between two coordinate systems.

dcm= angle2dcm(___,rotationSequence)calculates the direction cosine matrix given the rotation sequence,rotationSequence.


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Calculate the direction cosine matrix from three rotation angles.

yaw = 0.7854; pitch = 0.1; roll = 0; dcm = angle2dcm( yaw, pitch, roll )
dcm =3×30.7036 0.7036 -0.0998 -0.7071 0.7071 0 0.0706 0.0706 0.9950

Calculate the direction cosine matrix from rotation angles and a rotation sequence.

yaw = [0.7854 0.5]; pitch = [0.1 0.3]; roll = [0 0.1]; dcm = angle2dcm( pitch, roll, yaw,'YXZ')
dcm = dcm(:,:,1) = 0.7036 0.7071 -0.0706 -0.7036 0.7071 0.0706 0.0998 0 0.9950 dcm(:,:,2) = 0.8525 0.4770 -0.2136 -0.4321 0.8732 0.2254 0.2940 -0.0998 0.9506

Input Arguments

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First rotation angles, specified as anm-by-1 array, in radians.

Data Types:double|single

Second rotation angles, specified as anm-by-1 array, in radians.

Data Types:double|single

Third rotation angles, specified as anm-by-1 array, in radians.

Data Types:double|single

Rotation sequence, specified as a scalar.

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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Direction cosine matrices, returned as a 3-by-3-by-mmatrix, wheremis the number of direction cosine matrices.

Version History

Introduced in R2006b