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Register Servers

Before using COM objects, you must register their servers. Most are registered by default. However, if you get a new.ocx,.dll, or other object file for the server, you must register the file manually in the Windows®registry.

Use the Windowsregsvr32command to register your file. From the Windows prompt, use thecdfunction to go to the folder containing the object file. If your object file is an.ocxfile, type:


If you encounter problems with this procedure, consult a Windows manual or contact your local system administrator.

Access COM Controls Created with .NET

If you create a COM control usingMicrosoft®.NET Framework4, use the DOSregasmcommand with the/codebaseoption to register your file.

Verify Registration

To verify that a server is registered, refer to your Microsoft product documentation for information about usingMicrosoft Visual Studio®or the Microsoft Registry Editor programs.