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dsp.AllpassFilter对象使用Allpass过滤器实现来过滤输入的每个通道。将此对象导入simulink金宝app®,,,,use the MATLAB®System block.


细胞阵列支持金宝appallpassce效率,,,,WDFCoefficients, 和LatticeCoefficients已被删除。使用n-by-1或n-by-2数字阵列。有关更多信息,请参阅兼容性的考虑


  1. Create thedsp.AllpassFilterOBJect and set its properties.

  2. Call the object with arguments, as if it were a function.

要了解有关系统对象如何工作的更多信息,请参阅What Are System Objects?



全部pass= DSP.AllPassFilterreturns an allpass filter System object™,全部pass,通过使用默认结构和系数独立过滤输入信号的每个通道。


全部pass= DSP.AllPassFilter((名称,价值returns an allpass filter System object,全部pass,,,,with each property set to the specified value.


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Unless otherwise indicated, properties arenontunable,,,,which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the发布function unlocks them.

If a property istunable,您可以随时更改其价值。

For more information on changing property values, see使用系统对象在MATLAB中的系统设计

You can specify the internal allpass filter implementation structure as one of |最小乘数|Lattice|Wave Digital Filter。Each structure uses a different set of coefficients, independently stored in the corresponding object property.

指定真实的Allpass多项式滤波器系数。将此属性指定为n——- - - - - -1orn——- - - - - -2矩阵n一阶或二阶Allpass部分。这default value defines a stable second-order allpass filter with poles and zeros located at ±π/3 in the Z plane.




Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64

Specify the real allpass coefficients in the Wave Digital Filter form. Specify this property as either an——- - - - - -1orn——- - - - - -2矩阵n一阶或二阶Allpass部分。所有元素的绝对值必须小于或等于1。此值是默认值的转换版本allpassce效率,,,,Computed usingallpass2wdf(allpassceficients)。这se coefficients define the same stable second-order allpass filter as when结构is set to“最小乘数”



仅在结构属性设置为Wave Digital Filter

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64

Specify the real or complex allpass coefficients as lattice reflection coefficients. Specify this property as either a row vector (single-section configuration) or a column vector. This value is a transformed and transposed version of the default value ofallpassce效率,,,,Computed using转置(TF2LATC([1 H.Allpassceefficients])))))。这se coefficients define the same stable second-order allpass filter as when结构is set to'格子'



This property is applicable only if the结构属性设置为Lattice

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64

Indicate if last section is first order or second order. When you setTrailingFirstOrderSectiontotrue,最后一节被认为是一阶,也是最后一行的第二个元素n——- - - - - -2矩阵is ignored. When you setTrailingFirstOrderSectionto错误的,最后一部分被认为是二阶。




y= allpass(Xfilters the input signalXusing an allpass filter to produce the outputy。Each column ofX随着时间的推移,将其独立过滤为单独的通道。


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数据输入,,,,specified as a vector or a matrix. This object also accepts variable-size inputs. Once the object is locked, you can change the size of each input channel, but you cannot change the number of channels.

Data Types:single|double

Output Arguments

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Data Types:double|single


要使用对象函数,请将系统对象指定为第一个输入参数。例如,释放名称的系统对象的系统资源OBJ,,,,use this syntax:


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弗雷克斯 Frequency response of discrete-time filterSystem object
fvtool 可视化DSP过滤器的频率响应
impz 离散时间过滤器的脉冲响应System object
信息 有关过滤器的信息System object
系数 返回过滤器System objectCoefficients in a structure
Cost Estimate cost of implementing filterSystem object
grpdelay 离散时间过滤器的组延迟响应System object
step RunSystem object算法
发布 释放资源并允许更改System object属性值和输入特征
reset Reset internal states ofSystem object



笔记: This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an earlier release, replace each call to the function with the equivalentstepsyntax. For example, myObject(x) becomes step(myObject,x).


Fs = 48000;% in HzFL = 1024;apf1 = dsp.allpassfilter('AllpassCoefficients',,,,。。。[[-0.710525516540603 0.208818210000029]); APF2 = dsp.AllpassFilter('AllpassCoefficients',,,,。。。[[-0.940456403667957 0.6;。。。-0.324919696232907 0],。。。'TrailingFirstOrderSection',,,,true);

Construct the Transfer Function Estimator to estimate the transfer function between the random input and the Allpass filtered output

tfe = dsp.transferfunctionEstimator(“FrequencyRange',,,,。。。'onesided',,,,'SpectralAverages',2);

Construct the ArrayPlot to plot the magnitude response

AP = dsp.ArrayPlot(“ plottype',,,,'线',,,,'ylimits',[-80 5],。。。'YLabel',,,,“大小(db)”,,,,'SampleIncrement',,,,Fs/FL,。。。'xlabel',,,,“频率(Hz)”,,,,'Title',,,,“大小响应”,,,,。。。“ Showlegend”,,,,true,'ChannelNames',,,,{“大小响应”});

Filter the Input and show the magnitude response of the estimated transfer function between the input and the filtered output

tic;尽管toc < 5 in = randn(FL,1); out = 0.5.*(APF1(in) + APF2(in)); A = TFE(in, out); AP(db(A));结尾


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H (( z = C (( n + C (( n 1 z 1 + 。。。 + z n 1 + C (( 1 z 1 + 。。。 + C (( n z n

Cis allpass polynomial coefficients vector. The order,n,,,,of the transfer function is the length of vectorC

在最小乘数形式和波浪数字形式中,Allpass过滤器被实现为二阶(Biquad)部分或一阶部分的级联。当系数指定为n——- - - - - -2矩阵,,,,each row of the matrix specifies the coefficients of a second-order filter. The last element of the last row can be ignored based on the trailing first-order setting. When the coefficients are specified as ann——- - - - - -1矩阵,,,,each element in the matrix specifies the coefficient of a first-order filter. The cascade of all the filter sections forms the allpass filter.

In the lattice form, the coefficients are specified as a vector.

这se structures are computationally more economical and structurally more stable compared to the generic IIR filters, such as df1, df1t, df2, df2t. For all structures, the allpass filter can be a single-section or a multiple-section (cascaded) filter. The different sections can have different orders, but they are all implemented according to the same structure.


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Errors starting in R2018b


[[1这是给予的Regalia, Philip A. and Mitra Sanjit K. and Vaidyanathan, P. P. (1988) “The Digital All-Pass Filter: AVersatile Signal Processing Building Block.”IEEE会议论文集,,,,Vol. 76, No. 1, 1988, pp. 19–37

[[2这是给予的M. Lutovac, D. Tosic, B. Evans,Filter Design for Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Mathematica.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2013a