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Price Using Monte Carlo Simulation

Price basket, Asian, spread, and vanilla options using Monte Carlo simulation with Longstaff-Schwartz option pricing model

Use Monte Carlo simulations to model the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot be easily predicted due to the intervention of random variables. The Longstaff-Schwartz Least Squares approach is used to estimate the expected payoff of the American option type which allows for early exercise.


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basketbyls Price European or American basket options using Monte Carlo simulations
basketsensbyls Calculate price and sensitivities for European or American basket options using Monte Carlo simulations
barrierbyls Price European or American barrier options using Monte Carlo simulations
barriersensbyls Calculate price and sensitivities for European or American barrier options using Monte Carlo simulations
asianbyls Price European or American Asian options using Monte Carlo simulations
asiansensbyls Calculate price and sensitivities for European or American Asian options using Monte Carlo simulations
lookbackbyls Price European or American lookback options using Monte Carlo simulations
lookbacksensbyls Calculate price and sensitivities for European or American lookback options using Monte Carlo simulations
spreadbyls Price European or American spread options using Monte Carlo simulations
spreadsensbyls Calculate price and sensitivities for European or American spread options using Monte Carlo simulations
optstockbyls Price European, Bermudan, or American vanilla options using Monte Carlo simulations
optstocksensbyls Calculate price and sensitivities for European, Bermudan, or American vanilla options using Monte Carlo simulations
optpricebysim 价格的选择模拟的基本价值观

Examples and How To

Pricing Asian Options

This example shows how to price a European Asian option using six methods in the Financial Instruments Toolbox™.


Supported Equity Derivative Functions

Equity derivative instrument functions supported by Financial Instruments Toolbox™.