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Standard Trinomial Tree Analysis

Price and analyze standard trinomial equity instrument


asianbystt Price Asian options using standard trinomial tree
barrierbystt Price barrier options using standard trinomial tree
compoundbystt Price compound options using standard trinomial tree
sttprice Price instruments using standard trinomial tree
sttsens Instrument sensitivities and prices using standard trinomial tree
lookbackbystt Price lookback options using standard trinomial tree
optstockbystt Price vanilla options on stocks using standard trinomial tree
derivget Get derivatives pricing options
derivset Set or modify derivatives pricing options

Examples and How To

Pricing Equity Derivatives Using Trees

Pricing functions calculate the price of any set of supported instruments based on a binary equity price tree, an implied trinomial price tree, or a standard trinomial tree.

Computing Equity Instrument Sensitivities

The delta, gamma, and vega sensitivities that the toolbox computes are dollar sensitivities.

Pricing Options Structure

The MATLAB®Optionsstructure provides additional input to most pricing functions.

Use treeviewer to Examine HWTree and PriceTree When Pricing European Callable Bond

This example demonstrates how to usetreeviewerto examine tree information for a Hull-White tree when you price a Europrean callable bond.


Supported Equity Derivative Functions

Equity derivative instrument functions supported by Financial Instruments Toolbox™.