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Sequence of image frames as montage


imaqmontage(..., 'CLim', CLIM, 'Parent', PARENT)
h = imaqmontage(...)


imaqmontage(frames)显示一个蒙太奇在MATLAB的图像帧®figure window using theimagescfunction.

framescan be any data set returned bygetdata,peekdata, orgetsnapshot.

imaqmontage(obj)calls thegetsnapshotfunction on video input objectobjand displays a single image frame in a MATLAB figure window using theimagescfunction.objmust be a 1-by-1 video input object.

imaqmontage(...,CLIM)displays a montage of image frames, whereCLIMis a two-element vector,[CLOW CHIGH], specifying the image scaling. UseCLIMto specify a scaling value when overscaling the image data is a risk, for example, when you are working with devices that provide data in a 12-bit format.

imaqmontage(..., 'CLim', CLIM, 'Parent', PARENT)whereCLIMis as noted previously, andPARENTis a valid AXES object that allows you to specify where the montage is displayed. One or both property/value pairs can be specified. See the example below.

h = imaqmontage(...)returns a handle to an image object.


To get a list of options you can use on a function, press theTabkey after entering a function on the MATLAB command line. The list expands, and you can scroll to choose a property or value. For information about using this advanced tab completion feature, seeUsing Tab Completion for Functions.


Construct a video input object associated with a Matrox®device at ID 1.

obj = videoinput('matrox', 1);

Initiate an acquisition and access the logged data.

start(obj); data = getdata(obj);

Create an axes object.

a = axes;

Display each image frame acquired on axesa.

imaqmontage(data, 'Parent', a);

Remove the video input object from memory.


版本sion History

Introduced before R2006a