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Instrument communication using instrument drivers

您需要创建一个接口对象,例如GPIB或者i2c, to communicate with instruments, as described in many of the sections of the documentation. You can also create a device object that allows you to configure and query an instrument without knowledge of its command set. See创建和连接设备对象for more information about using device objects.


清除 Remove instrument objects fromMATLABworkspace
删除 Remove instrument objects from memory
disp Display instrument object summary information
get Instrument object properties
inspect Open Property Inspector
length Length of instrument object array
load Load instrument objects and variables intoMATLABworkspace
methods Class method names and descriptions
save 将仪器对象和变量保存到垫子文件
set Configure or display instrument object properties
size Size of instrument object array
instrhwinfo Information about available hardware
乐器 Define and retrieve commands that identify instruments
isvalid 确定仪器对象是否有效
obj2mfile 将仪器对象转换为MATLAB代码
propinfo Instrument object property information
connect Connect device object to instrument
Devicereset 重置仪器
disconnect Disconnect device object from instrument
geterror Check and return error message from instrument
icdevice Create device object
invoke 在设备对象上执行驱动程序特定功能
selftest 运行仪器自我测试


Test and Measurement Tool Control oscilloscopes and other instruments
