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Dynamics of Damped Cantilever Beam

This example shows how to include damping in the transient analysis of a simple cantilever beam.

The damping model is basic viscous damping distributed uniformly through the volume of the beam. The beam is deformed by applying an external load at the tip of the beam and then released at time t = 0 .这个示例不使用任何额外的负载, so the displacement of the beam decreases as a function of time due to the damping. The example uses plane-stress modal, static, and transient analysis models in its three-step workflow:

  1. Perform modal analysis to compute the fundamental frequency of the beam and to speed up computations for the transient analysis.

  2. Find the static solution of the beam with a vertical load at the tip to use as an initial condition for a transient model.

  3. Perform the transient analysis with and without damping.

Damping is typically expressed as a percentage of critical damping, ξ , for a selected vibration frequency. This example uses ξ = 0 0 3 , which is three percent of critical damping.

The example specifies values of parameters using the imperial system of units. You can replace them with values specified in the metric system. If you do so, ensure that you specify all values throughout the example using the same system.

Modal Analysis

Create a modal analysis model for a plane-stress problem.

modelM = createpde("structural","modal-planestress");

Create the geometry and include it in the model. Suppose, the beam is 5 inches long and 0.1 inches thick.

width = 5; height = 0.1; gdm = [3;4;0;width;width;0;0;0;height;height]; g = decsg(gdm,'S1',('S1')'); geometryFromEdges(modelM,g);

Plot the geometry with the edge labels.

figure; pdegplot(modelM,"EdgeLabels","on"); axisequaltitle("Geometry With Edge Labels Displayed")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Geometry With Edge Labels Displayed contains 5 objects of type line, text.

Define a maximum element size so that there are five elements through the beam thickness. Generate a mesh.

hmax = height/5; msh = generateMesh(modelM,"Hmax",hmax);

Specify Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and the mass density of steel.

E = 3.0e7; nu = 0.3; rho = 0.3/386; structuralProperties(modelM,"YoungsModulus",E,..."PoissonsRatio",nu,..."MassDensity",rho);

Specify that the left edge of the beam is a fixed boundary.


Solve the problem for the frequency range from0to1e5.The recommended approach is to use a value that is slightly smaller than the expected lowest frequency. Thus, use-0.1instead of0

res = solve(modelM,"FrequencyRange",[-0.1,1e5]')
res = ModalStructuralResults with properties: NaturalFrequencies: [8x1 double] ModeShapes: [1x1 FEStruct] Mesh: [1x1 FEMesh]

By default, the solver returns circular frequencies.

modeID = 1:numel(res.NaturalFrequencies);

Express the resulting frequencies in Hz by dividing them byDisplay the frequencies in a table.

tmodalResults = table(modeID.',res.NaturalFrequencies/(2*pi)); tmodalResults.Properties.VariableNames = {'Mode','Frequency'}; disp(tmodalResults)
Mode Frequency ____ _________ 1 126.94 2 794.05 3 2216.8 4 4325.3 5 7110.7 6 9825.9 7 10551 8 14623

Compute the analytical fundamental frequency (Hz) using the beam theory.

I = height^3/12; freqAnalytical = 3.516*sqrt(E*I/(width^4*rho*height))/(2*pi)
freqAnalytical = 126.9498

Compare the analytical result with the numerical result.

freqNumerical = res.NaturalFrequencies(1)/(2*pi)
freqNumerical = 126.9416

Compute the period corresponding to the lowest vibration mode.

longestPeriod = 1/freqNumerical
longestPeriod = 0.0079

Plot they-component of the solution for the lowest beam frequency.

figure; pdeplot(modelM,"XYData",,1)) title("Lowest Frequency Vibration Mode") axisequal

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Lowest Frequency Vibration Mode contains an object of type patch.

Initial Displacement from Static Solution

The beam is deformed by applying an external load at its tip and then released at time t = 0 .Find the initial condition for the transient analysis by using the static solution of the beam with a vertical load at the tip.

Create a static plane-stress model.

modelS = createpde("structural","static-planestress");

Use the same geometry and mesh that you used for the modal analysis.

geometryFromEdges(modelS,g); modelS.Mesh = msh;

Specify the same values for Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and the mass density of the material.


Specify the same constraint on the left end of the beam.


Apply the static vertical load on the right side of the beam.


Solve the static model. The resulting static solution serves as an initial condition for transient analysis.

Rstatic = solve(modelS);

Transient Analysis

Perform the transient analysis of the cantilever beam with and without damping. Use the modal superposition method to speed up computations.

Create a transient plane-stress model.

modelT = createpde("structural","transient-planestress");

Use the same geometry and mesh that you used for the modal analysis.

geometryFromEdges(modelT,g); modelT.Mesh = msh;

Specify the same values for Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and the mass density of the material.


Specify the same constraint on the left end of the beam.


Specify the initial condition by using the static solution.

ans = NodalStructuralICs属性:InitialDisplacement: [6511x2 double] InitialVelocity: [6511x2 double]

Solve the undamped transient model for three full periods corresponding to the lowest vibration mode.

tlist = 0:longestPeriod/100:3*longestPeriod; resT = solve(modelT,tlist,"ModalResults",res);

Interpolate the displacement at the tip of the beam.

intrpUt = interpolateDisplacement(resT,[5;0.05]);

The displacement at the tip is a sinusoidal function of time with amplitude equal to the initialy-displacement. This result agrees with the solution to the simple spring-mass system.

plot(resT.SolutionTimes, gridontitle("Undamped Solution") xlabel("Time") ylabel("Tip of beam displacement")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Undamped Solution contains an object of type line.

Now solve the model with damping equal to 3% of critical damping.

zeta = 0.03; omega = 2*pi*freqNumerical; structuralDamping(modelT,"Zeta",zeta); resT = solve(modelT,tlist,"ModalResults",res);

Interpolate the displacement at the tip of the beam.

intrpUt = interpolateDisplacement(resT,[5;0.05]);

They-displacement at the tip is a sinusoidal function of time with amplitude exponentially decreasing with time.

figure holdonplot(resT.SolutionTimes, plot(tlist,*exp(-zeta*omega*tlist),"Color","r") gridontitle("Damped Solution") xlabel("Time") ylabel("Tip of beam displacement")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Damped Solution contains 2 objects of type line.