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Get default report generation options


myOptions= slreq.getReportOptions()returns a structure with the default options for generating reports for requirements sets.


Get Report Generation Options

myOptions= slreq.getReportOptions() myOptions = structwithfields:reportPath:'L:\slreqrpt_20170826.docx'openReport: 1 titleText:''authors:'Jane Doe'includes: [1×1 struct]

Output Arguments

collapse all

Options for report generation, returned as a structure with the following fields:


Fields Data Type Description
reportPath character vector Report file path
openReport Boolean Option to open report automatically after generation
titleText character vector Report title
authors character vector Report authors
includes.toc Boolean Option to include table of contents in your report
includes.publishedDate Boolean Option to include the report publish date
includes.revision Boolean Option to include requirement revision information in your report Boolean Option to include requirement properties
includes.links Boolean Option to include requirements links in your report
includes.changeInformation Boolean Option to include change information such as change issues
includes.groupLinksBy character vector Option to group links byArtifactorLinkType
includes.keywords Boolean Option to include requirement implementation status data in your report
includes.comments Boolean Option to include requirement comments in your report
includes.implementationStatus Boolean Option to include requirement implementation status data in your report
includes.verificationStatus Boolean Option to include requirement verification status data in your report
includes.emptySections Boolean Option to include empty sections in your report
includes.rationale Boolean Option to include requirements rationale in your report
includes.customAttributes Boolean Option to include requirement set custom attributes in your report

Version History

Introduced in R2018a