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Troubleshooting in米ATLABSupport Package for乐高米INDSTORMSEV3 Hardware

Cannot Connect to the EV3 Brick

Troubleshoot connecting the LEGO®米INDSTORMS®EV3 brick to MATLAB®.

Cannot Connect to a Sensor or Motor

Troubleshoot connections to LEGO MINDSTORMS sensors and motors.

Connect the Host Computer to an EV3 Brick Over a USB Cable

This example shows how to connect from MATLAB software to an EV3 brick over a USB cable.

Connect the Host Computer to an EV3 Brick Over a Wireless Network

This example shows how to connect from MATLAB software to an EV3 brick using a wireless network.

Connections to EV3 Hardware

Connection layers between MATLAB and LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 hardware.