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Author Model Behavior

Associate architecture models with functionality specified in Simulink®模型,状态流®charts, Simscape™ subsystems, and sequence diagrams

Use sequence diagrams integrated with System Composer™ to describe system behavior as the interaction between components in a sequence of message exchanges.

You can use Simulink models with System Composer. Define component behavior by linking to a Simulink model or a Simulink subsystem. Add state machine behavior in Stateflow or physical behavior in Simscape to components.

Export Simulink behavior models into architecture models for analysis.

Use parameters, specified as model arguments, to specify instance-specific values on components. Each component linked to the same referenced model or architecture can specify independent values for a parameter.


systemcomposer.arch.Component System Composercomponent
SystemComposer.Parameter.ParameterDefinition 票面价值ameter definition inSystem Composer


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Create金宝appSimulinkBehavior Create Simulink behavior and link to component
createStateflowChartBehavior Add Stateflow chart behavior to component
createArchitectureModel Create architecture model from component
linkToModel Link component to model
inlineComponent Remove reference architecture or behavior from component
systemcomposer.extractArchitectureFromSimulink Extract architecture from Simulink model
isProtected 发现如果组件参考模型是保护
isReference Find if component is referenced to another model
GetParameterDefinition Get instance-specific parameter definition
getEvaluatedParameterValue 从元素中获得参数的评估值
getParameterNames Get parameter names on element
getParameterValue Get value of parameter
setParameTervalue 参数的设置值
setUnit 将单位设置为参数值
resetParameterToDefault Reset parameter on component to default value


Architecture Views Gallery Create and manage architecture views and sequence diagrams
Sequence Viewer Visualize messages, events, states, transitions, and functions
