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audioPluginSource class

Base class for audio source plugins


audioPluginSourceis the base class for audio source plugins. Use audio source plugins to produce audio signals.

To create a valid audio source plugin, in your class definition file, subclass your object from theaudioPluginSourceclass. Subclassing enables you to inherit the attributes necessary to generate audio source plugins and access Audio Toolbox™ functionality. To inherit from theaudioPluginSourcebase class directly, type this syntax as the first line of your class definition file:

classdefmyAudioSourcePlugin < audioPluginSource
myAudioSourcePluginis the name of your object.


getSamplesPerFrame Get frame size returned by the plugin
setSamplesPerFrame Set frame size returned by the plugin (MATLAB环境只)

Inherited Methods

getSampleRate 采样速率并不gin is run
setLatencyInSamples Set latency in samples reported to DAW
setSampleRate Set sample rate at which the plugin is run

Copy Semantics

Handle. To learn how handle classes affect copy operations, seeCopying Objects.


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Design a valid basic audio source plugin class


  • A valid audio source plugin is one that can be deployed in a digital audio workstation (DAW) environment. To validate it, use thevalidateAudioPluginfunction. To generate it, use thegenerateAudioPluginfunction.

  • A basic audio source plugin inherits from theaudioPluginSourceclass but not thematlab.Systemclass.

Define a basic audio source plugin class that inherits fromaudioPluginSource.

classdefmyAudioSourcePlugin < audioPluginSourceend

Add a processing function to your audio source plugin class.

All valid audio source plugins include a processing function. For basic audio source plugins, the processing function is namedprocess. The processing function defines the audio signal that your plugin outputs. Audio source plugins do not accept audio signals as input to the processing function.

The default audio plugin interface assumes a stereo output. Specify the processing output as a matrix with two columns. These columns correspond to the left and right channels of a stereo signal. The number of rows in the output matrix correspond to the frame size.

The output frame size must match the frame size of the environment in which the plugin is run. A DAW environment has variable frame size. To determine the current environment frame size, callgetSamplesPerFramein theprocessfunction.

classdefmyAudioSourcePlugin < audioPluginSourcemethodsfunctionout = process(plugin) out = 0.5*randn(getSamplesPerFrame(plugin),2);endendend

myAudioSourcePlugingenerates a Gaussian white noise audio signal with 0.5 standard deviation.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a