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COM コンポーネントの統合

COM コンポーネントをアプリケーションに統合する

MATLAB®で生成された COM コンポーネントをアプリケーションに統合するには、API の組み合わせを使用する必要があります。MATLAB Compiler SDK™は API を使用してMATLAB Runtimeの初期化、コンパイルされた MATLAB 関数のMATLAB Runtimeへの読み込み、COM コンポーネントとMATLAB Runtimeの間で渡されるデータの管理を行います。コンパイラは、コンパイルされた関数のシグネチャに基づいて、いくつかの API を生成します。MATLAB Runtimeはすべてのアプリケーションで一貫した他の API を提供します。

MATLAB 関数をMicrosoft®Office製品に統合するには、COM コンポーネントを使用します。MATLAB Compiler™は、Microsoft Excel®との直接統合を提供しています。

関数 Create COM component for deployment outsideMATLAB 选项用于构建COM混合涂料nents
mcrinstaller Display version and location information forMATLABRuntimeinstaller corresponding to current platform
mcrversion ReturnMATLABRuntimeversion number that matchesMATLABversion


Register and Reference the Utility Library

How to register and reference the utilities you need in your program

Call the Methods of a Class Instance

Describes how you call the class methods to access the encapsulated MATLAB functions

Call COM Objects in Visual C++ Programs

How to integrate a COM object into a Visual C++®program

Pass Arguments

Describes how you can pass multiple arguments as avararginarray by creating aVariantarray, assigning each element of the array to the respective input argument

Control Array Formatting and Data Conversion

Describes array formatting and data conversion flags

Use MATLAB Global Variables in Visual Basic

Describes class properties, which allow an object to retain an internal state between method calls

Block Execution of Applications that Create Figures

How to handle interaction in a console-based program that creates MATLAB figures

Obtain Registry Information

How to use MATLAB functioncomponentinfoto query the system registry for any installed COM components created with theMATLAB Compiler SDKproduct

Integrate Magic Square into a COM Application

Demonstrates the creation of a COM component from a simple MATLAB file

Install COM Components

Describes how to install/deploy created components on target computers


General Techniques

Describes the integration of COM components created with theMATLAB Compiler SDKproduct into programs

Handle Errors During a Method Call

Describes theMicrosoft Visual Basic®exception handling capability

Component Registration

Describes the registration process for COM components created by theMATLAB Compiler SDKproduct.

Data Conversion

Converting between MATLAB and COM variants.

Calling Conventions

Describes the calling conventions for COM components created by theMATLAB Compiler SDKproduct