

Convert S-parameters of 2-port network to voltage or power-wave transfer function



tf= s2tf(s_params)converts the scattering parameters of a 2-port network to the voltage transfer function of the network.

tf= s2tf(s_params,z0,zs,zl)使用参考阻抗计算电压传输函数z0, source impedancezs, and load impedancezl

tf= s2tf(s_params,z0,zs,zl,选项)calculates the voltage or power-wave transfer function using the method specified by选项

tf= s2tf(sparams_obj)converts the 2-port S-parameter object,hs, into the voltage transfer function of the network.

tf= s2tf(sparams_obj,zs,zl)calculates the voltage transfer function using the source impedancezs, and load impedancezl

tf= s2tf(sparams_obj,zs,zl,选项)calculates the voltage or power-wave transfer function using the method specified by选项


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Calculate the voltage transfer function of an S-parameter array.

ckt = read(rfckt.passive,'passive.s2p');sparams = ckt.networkdata.data;TF = S2TF(Sparams)
tf =202×1 complex0.9964 - 0.0254i 0.9960 - 0.0266i 0.9956 - 0.0284i 0.9961 - 0.0290i 0.9960 - 0.0301i 0.9953 - 0.0317i 0.9953 - 0.0334i 0.9952 - 0.0349i 0.9949 - 0.0367i 0.9946 - 0.0380i ⋮

Calculate the voltage transfer function of a S-parameters object usings2tffunction.

sparams = sparameters('passive.s2p');TF = S2TF(Sparams)
tf =202×1 complex0.9964 - 0.0254i 0.9960 - 0.0266i 0.9956 - 0.0284i 0.9961 - 0.0290i 0.9960 - 0.0301i 0.9953 - 0.0317i 0.9953 - 0.0334i 0.9952 - 0.0349i 0.9949 - 0.0367i 0.9946 - 0.0380i ⋮

Input Arguments

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2端口S-参数,指定为RF Toolbox™蜘蛛网s目的。

散射参数, specified as a complex 2-by-2-by-M大批whereM表示S-参数的频率点数。

Reference impedance of S-parameters, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.

Source impedance of S-parameters, specified as a positive scalar or vector of length equal to the number of frequencies in ohms.

负载阻抗of S-parameters, specified as a positive scalar or vector of length equal to the number of frequencies in ohms.

Transfer function type, specified as an integer equal to1,2, or3

  • 1— The transfer function is the gain from the incident voltage,Va,到任意源和负载阻抗的输出电压:

    t f = V l V a

    The following figure shows how to computeVafrom the source voltageVs:

    Source voltage, source impedance, and load impedance in a circuit


    t f = ( Z s + Z s * ) Z s * S 21 ( 1 + γ l ) ( 1 γ s ) 2 ( 1 S 22 γ l ) ( 1 γ i n γ s )


    γ l = Z l Z o Z l + Z o γ s = Z s Z o Z s + Z o γ i n = S 11 + ( S 12 S 21 γ l ( 1 S 22 γ l ) )

    The following equation shows how the preceding transfer function is related to the transducer gain computed by thepowergainfunction:

    G T = | t f | 2 Re ( Z l ) | Z l | 2 | Z s | 2 Re ( Z s )

    Notice that ifZlZS是真实的, G T = | t f | 2 Z s Z l

  • 2— The transfer function is the gain from the source voltage to the output voltage for arbitrary source and load impedances:

    t f = V l V s = S 21 ( 1 + γ l ) ( 1 γ s ) 2 ( 1 S 22 γ l ) ( 1 γ i n γ s )

    您可以使用此选项计算传输功能 V L V i n by settingzsto0。这种设置意味着γs= –1和Vin=Vs

  • 3— The transfer function is the power-wave gain from the incident power wave at the first port to the transmitted power wave at the second port:

    t f = b p 2 a p 1 = Re ( Z l ) Re ( Z s ) Z l S 21 ( 1 + γ l ) ( 1 γ s ) ( 1 S 22 γ l ) ( 1 γ i n γ s )

Output Arguments

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Complex Number Support:Yes


The following figure shows the setup for computing the transfer function, along with the impedances, voltages, and the power waves used to determine the gain.

2-port network block diagram


  • Vlis the output voltage across the load impedance.

  • Vsis the source voltage.

  • Vinis the input voltage of the 2-port network.

  • a p 1 is the incident power wave, equal to V s 2 Re ( Z s )

  • b p 2 is the transmitted power wave, equal to Re ( Z l ) Z l V l


[1] Gonzalez, Guillermo.Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design。第二版,Prentice Hall,1997年。

Introduced in R2006b