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Record video from Camera Board



record(我的照相机,filename,duration)records video from the Camera Board to a file on Raspberry Pi™.


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You can connect to the camera board from the MATLAB®software, take a photograph, and record video.

Create a connection from the MATLAB software to the Raspberry Pi hardware.

mypi = raspi

Create a connection,mycam, from the MATLAB software to the camera board, and set the image resolution. The connection displays the camera board properties.

mycam = cameraboard(mypi,'Resolution','1280x720')
mycam = Cameraboard with Properties: Name: Camera Board Resolution: '1280x720' (View available resolutions) Quality: 10 (1 to 100) Rotation: 0 (0, 90, 180 or 270) HorizontalFlip: 0 VerticalFlip: 0 FrameRate: 30 (2 to 30) Recording: 0 Picture Settings Brightness: 50 (0 to 100) Contrast: 0 (-100 to 100) Saturation: 0 (-100 to 100) Sharpness: 0 (-100 to 100) Exposure and AWB ExposureMode: 'auto' (View available exposure modes) ExposureCompensation: 0 (-10 to 10) AWBMode: 'auto' (View available AWB modes) MeteringMode: 'average' (View available metering modes) Effects ImageEffect: 'none' (View available image effects) VideoStabilization: 'off' ROI: [0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00] (0.0 to 1.0 [top, left, width, height])

Import and display a sequence of 10 snapshots on your computer.

forii = 1:10 img = snapshot(mycam) imagesc(img) drawnowend

If the image is upside down, change its orientation.

mycam.Rotation = 180

You can use the same approach to change the values of othercameraboardproperties.

Record a 60 second video.


Stop the recording immediately.


Copy the video from the board to your computer.

getFile(mypi,'myvideo.h264','C:\MATLAB ')

Delete the video file from the hardware to free up space.


Input Arguments

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Connection to a Camera Board, specified as a cameraboard object.

Use thecameraboardfunction to create this connection.


Video file name, specified as a string.


Data Types:char

Duration of recording, specified in seconds.


Data Types:double

Extended Capabilities