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Write documents to text file



writeTextDocument(documents,filename)writesdocumentsto the specified text file. The function writes one document per line with a space between each word in UTF-8.


writeTextDocument(documents,filename,'Append',true)appends to the file instead of overwriting.


collapse all

Write an array of documents to a text file.

documents = tokenizedDocument(["an example of a short sentence""a second short sentence"])
documents = 2x1 tokenizedDocument: 6 tokens: an example of a short sentence 4 tokens: a second short sentence
文件名="documents.txt"; writeTextDocument(documents,filename)

Write an array of documents to a text file by appending the documents one at a time.

Create an array of tokenized documents.

documents = tokenizedDocument(["an example of a short sentence""a second short sentence"])
documents = 2x1 tokenizedDocument: 6 tokens: an example of a short sentence 4 tokens: a second short sentence

Write the first document to the file.

文件名="documents.txt"; writeTextDocument(documents(1),filename)

View the contents of the file usingextractFileText.

str = extractFileText(filename)
str = "an example of a short sentence"

Append the second document to the text file.


View the contents of the file usingextractFileText.

str = extractFileText(filename)
str = "an example of a short sentence a second short sentence"

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input documents, specified as atokenizedDocumentarray.

Name of the file, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Data Types:string|char


Introduced in R2017b