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Signal Reception

Functions for 802.11™ physical layer reception processing

WLAN Toolbox™ provides functions that synchronize, demodulate, and decode 802.11 waveforms. Use these functions to detect waveform characteristics, estimate and correct for symbol timing offset, estimate and correct for carrier frequency offset, and estimate the channel. The functions also demodulate and recover individual preamble and data fields.


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wlanPacketDetect Estimate timing offset of OFDM packet
wlanFormatDetect Detect packet format
wlanSymbolTimingEstimate Fine symbol timing estimate using L-LTF
wlanCoarseCFOEstimate Perform coarse CFO estimation
wlanFineCFOEstimate Perform fine CFO estimation
wlanSampleRate Nominal sample rate
channelDelay Channel timing delay
wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate Channel estimation using VHT-LTF
wlanHTLTFChannelEstimate Channel estimation using HT-LTF
wlanLLTFChannelEstimate Channel estimation using L-LTF
wlanFieldIndices Generate PPDU field indices
wlanHEDemodulate Demodulate fields of HE waveform
wlanDMGOFDMDemodulate Demodulate fields of DMG waveform
wlanS1GDemodulate Demodulate fields of S1G waveform
wlanVHTLTFDemodulate Demodulate VHT-LTF waveform
wlanHTLTFDemodulate Demodulate HT-LTF waveform
wlanLLTFDemodulate Demodulate L-LTF waveform
wlanNonHTOFDMDemodulate Demodulate fields of non-HT OFDM waveform
wlanHEOFDMInfo OFDM information for HE transmission
wlanDMGOFDMInfo OFDM information for DMG transmission
wlanS1GOFDMInfo OFDM Information for S1G transmission
wlanVHTOFDMInfo OFDM information for VHT transmission
wlanHTOFDMInfo OFDM information for HT transmission
wlanNonHTOFDMInfo OFDM information for non-HT transmission
wlanFieldIndices Generate PPDU field indices
wlanHESIGABitRecover 信息比特HE-SIG-A领域中恢复过来
wlanHESIGBCommonBitRecover Recover common field bits in HE-SIG-B field
wlanHESIGBUserBitRecover Recover user field bits in HE-SIG-B field
wlanHETBNDPFeedbackStatus Recover feedback status from HE TB feedback NDP
wlanLSIGBitRecover Recover information bits in L-SIG field
wlanLSIGRecover Recover L-SIG information bits
wlanVHTSIGARecover Recover VHT-SIG-A information bits
wlanVHTSIGBRecover Recover VHT-SIG-B information bits
wlanHTSIGRecover Recover HT-SIG information bits
wlanDMGHeaderBitRecover Recover bits from DMG Header field
wlanFieldIndices Generate PPDU field indices
wlanInterpretScramblerState Recover bandwidth signaling from initial scrambler state
wlanHEDataBitRecover Recover bits from HE-Data field
wlanVHTDataRecover Recover bits from VHT-Data field
wlanHTDataRecover Recover bits from HT-Data field
wlanNonHTDataBitRecover Recover PSDU from non-HT Data field
wlanNonHTDataRecover Recover non-HT Data
wlanDMGDataBitRecover Recover bits from DMG Data field
wlanScramble Scramble and descramble binary input sequence
scramblerRange Get scrambler initialization range
wlanConstellationDemap Constellation demapping
wlanBCCDeinterleave Deinterleave binary convolutionally interleaved input
wlanStreamDeparse Stream-deparse binary input
wlanSegmentDeparseBits Segment-deparse data bits
wlanSegmentParseSymbols Segment-parse data subcarriers
wlanBCCDecode Convolutionally decode input data
wlanGolaySequence Generate Golay sequence


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comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset Apply phase and frequency offsets to input signal
wlanHERecoveryConfig Store parameters recovered from HE transmission


Basic VHT Data Recovery

Perform basic VHT data recovery.

End-to-End VHT Simulation with Frequency Correction

生成、传输、恢复和查看VHT MIMO waveform.

Transmit and Recover L-SIG, VHT-SIG-A, VHT-SIG-B in Fading Channel

Transmit a VHT waveform through a noisy MIMO channel.

Featured Examples