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Interface-Based Communication

Communicate with instruments using interfaces

With interface-based communication, the basic workflow comprises common steps regardless of interface type. First, you create an object of the interface type you are using to connect to the instrument. Then, you can set connection and communication properties based on your workflow and instrument configuration. Next, write data to and read data from the instrument. Finally, when you are done working with your instrument, disconnect from it by clearing the object from the workspace.


tcpclient Create TCP/IP client connection with TCP/IP server
tcpserver Create TCP/IP server
udpport Connect to UDP socket
serialport Connection to serial port
visadev Create connection to device using VISA


TCP/IP Explorer Connect to and communicate with TCP/IP server
UDP Explorer Create UDP socket and communicate over networks using UDP
串行探索r Communicate with devices connected to serial port
Test and Measurement Tool Control oscilloscopes and other instruments
