
subsubplotcreates sub-axes in tiled positions.

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subsubplot(mm,nn,pp) subsubplot(m,n,p,mm,nn,pp) subsubplot(...,'vpad',vspace) subsubplot(...,'hpad',hspace) h = subsubplot(...)


subsubplot(mm,nn,pp)divides the current figure into an mm-by-nn grid and creates axes in the position specified by pp. The first subplot is the first column of the first row, the second subplot is the second column of the first row, and so on. This syntax effectively fills the area that would be occupied bysubplot(1,1,1).

subsubplot(m,n,p,mm,nn,pp)As above, but in this case thesubplot(m,n,p)is further divided into an mm-by-nn grid, andsubsubplotcreates a new set of axes in the location specified by.

subsubplot(...,'vpad',vspace)指定数量的垂直间距each subsubplot axis, in normalized figure units on the scale of 0 to 1. The default value is0. Setting it to0.05, for example, separates axes by 5% of the figure height.

subsubplot(...,'hpad',hspace)specifies the amount of horizontal spacing between each subplot axis, in normalized figure units on the scale of 0 to 1. The default value is0. Setting it to0.05, for example, separates axes by 5% of the figure width.

|h = subsubplot(...) returns a handle h of the axes created by subsubplot.

Example 1: Two subsubplots

Here are two subsubplots stacked atop each other:

figure subsubplot(2,1,1) plot(rand(25,1)) subsubplot(2,1,2) plot(rand(25,1))

Example 2: Vertical separation:

By default,subsubplotplaces axes directly adjacent to each other. To add a little padding between the two axes, specify'vpad'. Below we're specify that axes should be separated by 5 percent of the figure's height:

figure subsubplot(2,1,1,'vpad',0.05) plot(rand(25,1)) subsubplot(2,1,2,'vpad',0.05) plot(rand(25,1))

Example 3: Subsubplots with subplots

Thesubsubplotfunction is designed to work within Matlab's built-insubplotstructure. Below, we use the space that would be occupied by次要情节(2 2 2)创建两个subsubplots specified bysubsubplot(2,2,2,2,1,1)andsubsubplot(2,2,2,2,2,2):

figure% Top left subplot:subplot(2,2,1) plot((1:100).^2) axistight% * * * TOP RIGHT SUBSUBPLOTS: * * *% Top subsublot:subsubplot(2,2,2,2,1,1) plot(rand(30,1))% Bottom subsublot:subsubplot(2,2,2,2,1,2) plot(rand(30,1))% Bottom left subplot:subplot(2,2,3) plot(sind(1:700)) axistight% Bottom right subplot:subplot(2,2,4) plot(tand(1:700)) axistight

Example 4: Right-hand axes:

To prevent overlapping y axes, you can either add some space between the axes with the'vpad'option, or you can put every other y axis on the right hand side like this:

% labels for each panel:panel = {'a','b','c','d','e','f'}; figurefork = 1:6 ax(k) = subsubplot(6,1,k); plot(rand*30*rand(25,1))% plots random dataaxistight% removes whitespacentitle(panel{k},'location','nw')end% Put every other axis on the right hand side:set(ax(2:2:end),'YAxisLocation','right')

Example 5: Color-coded axes

Same as above, but this time make the axis colors match the line colors:

figurefork = 1:6 ax(k) = subsubplot(6,1,k); col = rand(1,3); plot(rand*30*rand(25,1),'color',col) set(gca,'ycolor',col) axistightntitle(panel{k},'location','nw','color',col)endset(ax(2:2:end),'YAxisLocation','right')

Tip: Linking axes

Sometimes when zooming in on a subsubplot using the mouse (or by setting axis limits programmatically), you want the extents of other subsubplots to automatically zoom to the same extents. To achieve such behavior, get the handle of eachsubsubplotand uselinkaxes. For the figure above, linking all the x axis extents is this easy:


And now you can zoom on any of the subsubplots above and all the other axes in the figure will zoom to the same extents.

Example 6: A grid of subsubplots

Here's a 4-by-3 grid of random data plotted withsubsubplot. We'll also usentitleto include little titles in each subsubplot.

figurefork = 1:12% Initialize subsubplots:subsubplot(4,3,k)% plot some random data using random colors:plot(rand(50,1),'color',rand(1,3)) axistightntitle(['subsubplot ',num2str(k)],'backgroundcolor','w')end

Not enough whitespace between eachsubsubplot? Add a little horizontal and vertical padding like this:

figurefork = 1:12% Initialize subsubplots:subsubplot(4,3,k,'hpad',0.03,'vpad',0.05)% plot some random data using random colors:plot(rand(50,1),'color',rand(1,3)) axistightntitle(['subsubplot ',num2str(k)],'vert','bottom')end

Example 7: Oceanographic profiles

Load some example CTD data and plot temperature and salinity:

loadexample_ctd% Initialize a figure:figure% Plot temperature:subsubplot(1,2,1) plot(T{1},P{1},'o-','color',rgb('dark red')) axistightij% removes whitespace and flips axesylabel'pressure (dbar)'xlabel'temperature'set(gca,'xcolor',rgb('dark red'))% Plot salinity:subsubplot(1,2,2) plot(S{1},P{1},'o-','color',rgb('bluegreen')) axistightij% removes whitespace and flips axesxlabel'salinity'set(gca,'xcolor',rgb('bluegreen'))

Example 8: Overlapping axes

In the plot above, the two subsubplots directly abut each other, but there's still a lot of empty space between the two profiles. To bring them together, make the two subsubplots overlap by setting the'hpad'to a negative value. Note that if you do this, you'll want to make the background of each axis transparent (rather than the default white). Make the axis backgrounds transparent withset(gca,'color','none'):

% Initialize a figure:figure% Plot temperature:subsubplot(1,2,1,'hpad',-0.45) plot(T{1},P{1},'o-','color',rgb('dark red')) axistightij% removes whitespace and flips axesylabel'pressure (dbar)'xlabel'temperature'set(gca,'xcolor',rgb('dark red'),'color','none',...'xtick',-1.8:0.4:0)% Plot salinity:subsubplot(1,2,2,'hpad',-0.45) plot(S{1},P{1},'o-','color',rgb('bluegreen')) axistightij% removes whitespace and flips axesxlabel'salinity'set(gca,'xcolor',rgb('bluegreen'),'color','none',...'xtick',34.1:0.1:34.6)

Author Info

This function is part of theClimate Data Toolbox for Matlab. The function and supporting documentation were written by Chad A. Greene of the University of Texas at Austin.